I remember shouting out for a Captain Power space craft. You know the ones that could interact with the television show. You could also shoot your pal’s plane and if you scored enough hits the little action figure inside would bail out. Now those were toys. Now we got about seven million Pokemon clones, not to mention cheap shit that you know will not last one hour with a kid. I used to rake in GI Joes, video games, cool gadgets. I guess long gone are those days. I am twenty three at the time and I know I wont get jack shit for Christmas, A
November 2003
The release of Maximo: Ghosts to Glory marked a return to the Wizards and Warriors type of game that I immensely enjoyed on the NES when I was younger. While I felt like Capcom did a good job of converting W&W graphically from 2d to 3d, I felt like they totally overshot the mark when it came to gameplay. I tried to force myself to like Maximo and no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t do it. I swore up and down that Capcom just needed to rework a few things and it would be a stellar game. I was also worried that we might not see a sequel.
Enter Maximo vs Army of Zin. Capcom introduced this Maximo sequel at E3 this year and it received quite a bit of praise. Did Capcom “fix” Maximo this time around? Only time will tell. What I can tell you is that they did some major additions and tweaking to this 3rd person rendition of one of the NES’ classic adventure games.
For all intents and purposes, Maximo 2 should really be a stellar game. This time around Maximo was blessed with a slew of over 30 combat motions and combos. I can only assume they will be “earned” as they were in the first Maximo. To put those moves to good use, Maximo now also has to protect innocents and some not so innocents in addition to saving his own hide. This extra effort is not in vain as you will receive rewards for helping out certain people. For some reason I see that feature as very “Fable-esque” even though we have months till its release.
Remember the boxer shorts? I thought so, how could one forget? In this release, they actually have functionality. I feel dirty quoting this, but Capcom describes this new feature in this way: “Unleash the power of ‘Treasure seeker’ underwear and the ‘Boxers of burning vigor!” Umm, right. I think I am done with that topic.
To help power Maximo up, a new “Vanquish Bonus” system has been implemented. You will be able to earn rewards based on your fighting technique. Fight fast, smart, and more furiously and rewards will be yours. I am not exactly sure how this will be measured but I trust it will add a nice RPG touch to the game. Maybe a variable amount of XP will be earned for killing an enemy based on a certain criteria? We will find out soon enough.
Capcom also promises that “Maximo will react with precision as new attacks and moves are learned.” I hope that is true as one of my main complaints with Maximo was the overall sluggish feel of controlling Maximo. It seemed like he would move in the general direction I wanted but I never felt like I was in 100% control of him.
In addition to the game, Capcom has teamed up with a few partners to release Maximo comics and toys. Hopefully the game will live up to the promotion.
I have high hopes for this one. Capcom burned me once by releasing a game I felt was not quite right, but they redeemed themselves recently with Viewtiful Joe. Hopefully they can get this one right and a 3d Wizards & Warriors will be upon us.
[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/ffx2/cover.jpg[/floatleft]There is something to be said about a time tested formula. Fans of the prestigious Final Fantasy series have come to expect relatively the same game with a different setting and story line from one title to the next. Of course Square Enix (formerly Squaresoft) does not disappoint as we have over ten titles to showcase their excellent work. Since information first leaked out about the first ever Final Fantasy sequel, you could just tell something would be different with Final Fantasy X2. Continuing the storyline from Final Fantasy X, FF X2 once more pits our characters in the world of Spira. As you play through the game many old friends, locales, and baddies will make reappearances sending you to a trip down memory lane. However this game is not about the old, it’s about the new. A new attitude, new game play, new battle system, and a whole new aura. Final Fantasy X2 is an experience all its own.
[heading]Girl Power[/heading]
Upon watching even the opening movie you will know that, yes, a whole lot has changed. The melancholy aura that ruled over Final Fantasy X is no longer there. Spira is a bustling new world searching for itself once more. Gone are the days where death lingers in the mind of everyone, and Square Enix makes sure you can tell. The locales, while remaining the same are now full of life. And your characters, well they scream attention.
Yuna, Rikku, and new girl Paine are the new A Team. They are an energetic group of sphere hunters traveling the world searching for adventure, they are the Gullwings. Yuna of course is your main character, and the story has her searching for information concerning whatever happened to “Him”. The game makes a passive reference to who could be Tidus (Him), as Yuna joins the sphere hunter gang in order find more clues on his whereabouts. The full of life Rikku of course is her motivation as Yuna still needs a little pushing out the door. New girl Pain is your stereotypical “lone wolf” gothic girl with a hidden past. The diverse personalities of the group make each character stand out beautifully, as this truly is a story about relationships with friends.
[floatright]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/ffx2/ss02_thumb.jpg[/floatright][heading]Girls, tighten your scrunchies[/heading]
A new game means new directions and Square Enix has taken liberties on both game play and exploring. Yuna is a representative of the team (which I like better as opposed to having them follow you around like Final Fantasy 8) as such you lead Yuna around the gorgeous landscapes. What’s new however is that Yuna can now react with the landscapes. She can jump, climb, and hop along to find her way through puzzles, or even get to that hard to reach treasure chest. While this was a much talked about feature before the game was released its not like you think. I was under the impression you could control her in true Lara Croft platform fashion. I was wrong; you are only able to have her react. It works very similar to Final Fantasy mini games, the ones where you must press the “O” button at the right time. Yuna only jumps when she reaches a ledge. Failure to press it at the right time has her just stumble, making you back up and try it again. It’s more of an after thought really; however the game puts it to good use with races over terrain and such.
FF X2 brings with it a non linear storyline as well. Certain hotspots are found by the Gullwings and you are given a choice as to which place you want to go and the difficulty of the stage. The game is broken into missions, as you will have to perform objectives to move along the story. This is a far cry from the walking around from town to town that we are used to.
The battle system is hyperactive. The new concept is that of constant action. The user not making quick decisions will lead to a severe butt whooping by the fiends you meet along the way. Gone as well is the extremely helpful “queue listings” that Final Fantasy X had, what that means is you will no longer see whose turn is next. You simply input your actions and then a small bar counts down the time till the character takes the action. Of course for spells or special attacks the bar has a charge time. Simple attacks or item actions are almost instantaneous. Once you get a handle on how particular fiends go about their battle plan you can make a rough game plan on how to tackle your opponents with a healthy mix of charge and instant actions.
The biggest addition to game play is the dress spheres. Dress spheres act as jobs did in previous incarnations of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Tactics. You can switch your dress sphere mid battle. The three girls can make for any combination of the classes available from the strong “Warrior”, the sharp shooting “Gunner”, the healer “White Mage”, the powerful magician “Black Mage” among a myriad of other classes available. If you are ambushed by a fiend that has a strong defense against full frontal attacks you can simply switch your dress sphere to a better class such as “Black Mage” and utilize that class’s black magic abilities to pound your enemy into submission. With each dress sphere comes all sorts of class abilities and of course, a new look for that character.
[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/ffx2/ss04_thumb.jpg[/floatleft]Items play a smaller role in equipping this time around. You cannot get better weapons and such as the girls come equipped with the weapon of the class they happen to be at that moment. You are able to equip items that give your particular class abilities. This way even though you are in “Thief” dress sphere and are unable to cast magic your items will let you cast a few black magic spells. This is best to have on your “tanks” so that they may be able to do both magical and attack damage to your opponent. Items also give you bonuses such as more HP, MP, or even defenses or total resistances to certain attack types or status ailments. Garment grids are chosen for all the characters or each character can chose her own. Garment grids are a layout of how your dress spheres are placed. You can only move one space at a time during battle so positioning your dress spheres on your garment grid is invaluable. Some garment grids do not offer enough space for every single dress sphere you have, however some do have “gates” that offer boosts to a dress sphere if you pass through them while changing outfits during battle. This may all sound complex, but you will fly through it in no time flat. Advanced players may even plan ahead as to how they want to specialize their characters, which will add a unique customization to the game.
[heading]Spira is as beautiful as ever[/heading]
Final Fantasy X was the first Final Fantasy game to utilize the power of the next generation consoles. As it stands Final Fantasy X is an art project with its lavish usage of colors, sound, and landscapes. The Caribbean-Eastern setting that the designers made Spira as is still there in its gorgeous atmosphere. The Final Fantasy Team once again brings us original character design, just like we can always count on them to do.
This game is truly inspired in its graphical touches, from even the smallest details to the elaborate costume design. Tropical ambience or the echoes of cavernous dungeon crawls will bring you into the settings fantastically as the sounds of Final Fantasy X2 are perfectly placed. From Leblanc’s outfit being inspired by famous fashion designers, to the new characters inspired by futuristic anime design, show that a great deal of time went into the creation of the game’s look and feel. As an artist myself I look to past greats for inspiration. Something tells me that there will be designers of the future that will reference this game and its previous edition as their muse.
[heading]Pickle is a fan boy, but this game really does rock[/heading]
Yes I am a Final Fantasy freak, but there is a reason why. Final Fantasy brings out the best in RPGs. It brings out the best in story telling, the best in game play, simply the best in video games. Final Fantasy X2 is no exception. This is one game that no matter the review fans will flock to video game stores to purchase it and keep it in their library. If you have never tried a Final Fantasy game (if you haven’t, did you stumble to this site by accident?) then give this particular version a shot. FF X2 is a more action packed and happy go lucky game than its family. I would say a great starting point if you want to dive into the series. This game gets my fullest recommendation. I will be playing FFX2 for years to come, like I do my entire Final Fantasy collection. And yes, the girls look hot too. Yeeesh, I know you were thinking that.
I added some more functionality to the reviews page. You can now sort by console and author. It should be pretty self explanatory and I also updated the browsing tips thread.
SSX has been one of the SB favorites since it first debuted on the PS2 way back when. I actually own my PS2 as a result of us needing some way to play SSX while out of town. I was rather surprised with this newest version though. EA Big is known for their over the top games and I felt like SSX 3 stepped away from that and went more towards the realistic end of the spectrum. While these courses are still very unrealistic, they are much more realistic than the Tokyo Megaplex style levels we had grown accustomed to.
I would have to agree and disagree with my good friend Cone here on many levels. SSX has always been a game where we would try and have udder domination with massive points. And how did you do that? With the help of insane slopes and dope uber tricks. The newest version of SSX does not have many of the original style slopes with the crazy obstacles and the insane air, but I still think it holds its own. What I really enjoyed about SSX 3 was the entire “Counquer the Mountain” bit. I enjoyed being able to upgrade my character and giving him new outfits and boards. Although that’s not far from the past two its still a cool option to have. At first I had a little trouble unlocking the other peaks of the mountains, but then it all came back to me. In order to unlock new peaks, you must be like my good friend Cone here… FREAKING RULING!! You have to be able and win the gold in almost all the events before going on to the next peak.
I do have to say that the “Conquer the Mountain” was a nice addition. Even though they didn’t really change the overall goals of the game with this release, it was nice that they mixed up the feel of it. It really made you feel like you were snowboarding on a mountain instead of some synthetic course built by a mad scientist. The fact that you ride down to different parts of the peak to get to different levels and lodges was truly appreciated. A transport menu is available from the start menu should you find this aspect annoying. You simply select where you want to transport to and you get dropped off right in front of the entrance to that stage. Very handy for quick runs. It should be noted that with the release of SSX 3, I have switched from the PS2 version to the Xbox version. The controls were a drastic difference and took some getting used to. The PS2 controller is horrible in my eyes, but it is like the holy grail for SSX. Having the grab buttons accessible with your fingers instead of your thumbs made things very easy. The Xbox layout was not as intuitive but now that I am used to it, it doesn’t bother me and the graphical improvements more than make up for the learning curve. Control wise nothing changed so you should feel right at home if you have any time with the previous versions of the game.
Although, I can’t express the same feelings about swithcing to the Xbox version of SSX, I can still say that playing it on my PS2 still feels like gold. The controls are freaking great, and the graphics look nice for being on a PS2. Now another aspect of the game that I really enjoyed was the ability to customize your tunes when dominating the slopes. You are given the option of listening to EA BIG’s Radio station or just some awesome tunes. Either way you are getting great sounds when riding the powder. I actually enjoyed the various recording artists that are on this game. Overall the sound in this game is totally awesome and if nothing, the EA radio Station provides a new sense of realism.
That is one great thing about SSX, it looks great on every system. When playing SSX 3 you can expect the game to feel just as it has in previous versions. The game mechanics are just as great as they ever were and I just can’t get enough of it. EA Big has done a superb job with the SSX franchise and they continue to amaze me with each new release. You will notice a slew of new characters in the mix and a new attribute system has been implemented. No longer do you earn attribute points, you have to buy them with the cash you get from beating courses. The Lodge is where all those transactions take place. My only complaint with this release was the loading times between each level as well as entering and exiting the Lodge. I know these are immense levels with tons of detail, but I found myself getting bored while waiting for the levels to load.
Yeah, I would have to agree with the loading times fault in this game. It was crazy to see how long these maps would take to load. I really believed that EA did a great job with this title in its third version. The atmosphere is exciting, the tricks are insane, the music is HOT, and it still feels like the original. That’s’ what I think makes a game franchise successful. If you stay true to your roots you can’t go wrong. I enjoyed playing this game for countless hours on my PS2 and I know Cone enjoyed it on his Xbox, so if you get this title for either console then you should not be disappointed.
Exactly. SSX 3 is a great game and I would highly recommend it to anyone that has been a fan of SSX in the past. You will not be disappointed.