Saturday came and went without any type of announcement out of Redmond. While I can’t say that I am shocked since news doesn’t travel very fast on weekends, I will be very shocked if we don’t hear anything out of them sometime today. I suppose it is entirely possible that the entire thought of there being a “big announcement” was a figment of someone’s imagination to begin with. I suppose we may never know.
Dots and I spent a good chunk of time playing Halo yesterday and the rest of our time was spent playing TMNT. That was a mistake. Konami would have done better to repackage a 10 year old TMNT licensed game instead of releasing that wretched thing I spent so much time waiting for. I have a lot more to say about TMNT, but I will save it for the review.
If someone can tell me what this is I would be very grateful.
Just want to stop in and say that I have finally beaten Call of Duty. Let me just tell you that I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a very long and difficult road to Berlin but we did it. Hopefully, I will have a Call of Duty review up soon for you peeps. I have already started playing MOH: Breakthrough and Rising Sun, I’m not to excited about either one after playing Call of Duty. Well I hope all you Snackbarians will have a great weekend.
Xbox Live may very well be the main cause for insomnia. Since Rainbow Six has been released the crew has been up till 2 am playing. When I am not playing, I am thinking about how I should be playing. It is a vicious circle indeed. Some of the crew play later then others, and some of the crew drink quite a few more beers then the others. Either way a good time is had by all. As it stands now we are trying to think of ways to better the experience such as kit restrictions and maybe coming up with our own custom games to play. I doubt we will have a creative drought with the kind of people we have involved.
Now that I have Live I can only imagine what True Fantasy Live will be like. I wish you got a keyboard because I would hate to role-play a wizard and not sound, you know, wizardish. Then again who am I kidding; there will be no roleplaying in an MMO game.
I poked my head into an arcade the other day when I went to pick up some dry cleaning and low and behold stood Space Lords. Back when we were freshmen in high school we used to team up on this game. We even had a friend wait for the arcade to open so he could practice Space Lords in preparation for that evening’s game. It was very cool as you had a pilot and a gunner playing at the same time. Soda gunned and I flew the bad boy, all the while avoiding asteroids and your opponent’s photon torpedoes. Did I mention you had cloaking devices?
Space Lords owns. Wizard jokes own.
Bungie made a news post this afternoon squashing all Halo 1.5/2 rumors that had been running rampant for the last few days.