Just a little news tidbit from Dots. I ran across this article today and found it pretty interesting. Apparently, Viggo Mortensen was not supposed to play Aragon. He was a last minute replacement for Stuart Townsend, you know, the Queen of the Damned guy. They felt he was too young to portray Aragon’s wisdom. Now how come not all directors can be that good? That would save us from a lot of bad movies, like oh say, Gigli.
December 2003
*Pickle is freezing his butt of in line waiting to get in the movies to see Return of the King*
They work, in all browsers no doubt. I even spiffed it up. Let’s just say I am done working with JS for a while.
Yeah boy!! LOTR:Return of the King will be opening tonight at midnight and unfortunately I will not be there. But I do have tickets to a showing tommorrow. I hope all you LOTR fans are gearing up for what is looking to be the best film of the trilogy. I’m sure Pickle or Snowcone will have a post up tonight or tommorrow talking about how much the movie kicked ass.
You know, you would expect that the gaming industry would release a slew of games right before Christmas, but no. It seems that I can’t find any good titles that are being released before next week. Oh well, I guess we have to wait until next year. Also Nvidia will be hosting a $30K Halo PC tournament in Dallas which starts today. At the tournament they will also feature games such as Battlefield: Vietnam, Unreal Tournament 2004, and Painkiller. Wish I could make it to win $30K, but unfortunately the tournament starts today and I just don’t have time. But if any of you Snackbarians end up in Dallas today make sure to enter and win.
I am back. Last week was full of paper work and design. I was able to mix in some gaming, but very little. I will have a review up for two games this week and I will be starting up a new one. You know Bon Jovi is the best music to listen to when designing. Be on the lookout for the new Paladin ITS website soon.