January 2004

Final Fantasy Fever

January 10, 2004

I am such a Final Fantasy geek that all I have left is to dress up like Squall and Cosplay. Of course, that will never happen. With news of Final Fantasy XII coming out as well as the upcoming Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, well any fan boy or girl would be wetting themselves about now. I dont know what it is about us, but the series is life.

Gamertag Site is open

January 9, 2004

I just wanted everyone to know that the SB Gamertag site is now open. In the future you will be able to create your own group etc, but for now its just PA and SB that you can join.


January 8, 2004

Wow…my dreams are slowly becoming a reality. First Matrix and now Lord of the Rings. In a recent article on IGN.com, it seems that Vivendi is developing an MMO for LoTR entitled “Middle Earth Online”. I was actually mentioning it to a friend of mine at work how sweet that would be. You are given the choices of being four races, Man, Dwarf, Elves, or Hobbits. I am totally going to be all over this when it releases. The setting of the game will take place just when the Fellowship escapes the Mines of Moria. Also the entire body of Middle Earth will also be playable with expansions and downloads as time progresses. Expect me and hopefully Pickle to be all over this when it release this year.

Almost ready

January 7, 2004

The “suprise” I have been working is almost ready and I feel bad for keeping it from everyone so I will let you know what it is now. I am building a web application that will store your Xbox Live Gamertag and your list of games. It will also allow you to store information on the PC games you are currently playing as well as the games you are playing over Warp Pipe project. You will be able to join a group or just view the information for people in a specific group. Say you just want to play a game with members of Snackbar, simple. I will show you a working application by the end of the week.

No News

January 5, 2004

I have been going around looking for news, and its totally dead out there. Cone is the man at finding tidbits about the industry, I am just the face. Well, seeing as how news is slow right now I want to make one thing clear. Bon Jovi is so freaking sweet its not even funny. Say all you want about hair bands, but their stuff still rocks today. I swear listen to Bon Jovi while playing ANY driving game.