Since November, I have not seen one decent game released. This has got to be the most boring time of the year. I have not seen one game that is worthy of any kind of review on any level. All I keep reading and hearing about, are games that will not be released months from now. I keep reading about Halo 2, Fable, Star Wars Battlefront, Ninja Gaiden, Splinter Cell 2, and the list goes on. I keep hearing how wonderful these games are, but guess what? NO DICE!! I keep seeing the same freaking screenshots and I keep reading the same words being repeated by every writer. I wish this torture would end once and for all.
*Throws Xbox controller with fury*
UbiSoft is reporting that the PS2 and GC versions of Pandora Tomorrow have been delayed. UbiSoft is reporting that the delays are actually for a good reason. They want to insure that the PS2 and GC games are on par with the Xbox game. It is really nice to see a developer striving to make all the games as great as possible instead of saving a buck and going with the lowest common denominator in terms of graphics, etc. The other versions of Pandora Tomorrow are still on track for a March 2004 release.
I know I just posted a lot of news for one afternoon, but I wanted to tell you about the Batman game I spent all night playing. I kinda had my doubts about the game, but Dots loves Batman so I gave it a shot. I actually had fun with it and it reminded me of what they tried to make the new TMNT game into only Batman came out good and TMNT was horrible. The game has a slight learning curve w/ the combos but it was honestly a lot of fun. You can read my full thoughts about it when we finally get reviews back in motion, but I figured I would let you know that the game is actually decent in case you were sitting on the fence about it. Don’t pay $50 for it, but if you find it on sale you don’t have to run the other way.
Gamepro has an interview online w/ Kevin Bachus. Bachus was a founding member of the Xbox team and has recently joined the Infinium Labs team in hopes of turning things around for the upcoming Phantom console. Bachus’ presence will surely make everyone a little more wary before calling the Phantom vaporware, but can one person really make all the difference? Only time will tell. Bachus does make mention that we should see “hardware aplenty” at E3 this May.
There has been a ton of talk lately about whether or not Microsoft will include compatability with Xbox 1 games in its next generation console. The problems stem from the drastic architecture differences between the current Intel based CPU and custom Nvidia graphics GPU and the next generation console that will use IBMs 970 CPU and a custom ATI graphics chip. 1up discusses Microsoft’s plans and what backwards compatability may mean in terms of cost for Xbox 2.