March 2004


March 8, 2004

I do take a guilty pleasure in hearing people rant about Ninja Gaiden. I didn’t flinch when I heard about the game back in the day, as I knew exactly what you would all get. I guess it’s appealing, I mean it does look great. I know a few people that have already traded it in, a few of them citing, “This is total bullshit, what the fuck is a ninja doing fighting against some robot dude with lasers?” That’s a good question, why not ask Team Ninja. A game can do whatever it wants; it can toss a ninja in space for all I care IF it can make it vibe right. Ninja Gaiden, for me at least, doesn’t vibe right.

The “game” month continues and each week brings new releases and hordes of people to the game stores. JAXINIXA on our forums suckered me into getting Pokemon for the cube, I know make your jokes I am totally secure with myself.

Holy hell, Maximus from our forums and I hooked up for some mural wall art in his pad. I went over and he was complaining how plain it looked. I shot back with a little typographic idea I had and he was all over it. The next few days I was designing on my computer till we started the project. The out put was unbelievable I am very proud of the work. Mad props to Maximus for doing the enlargement math as I really struggle in that area, together we DOMINATED! Check our forums for the pictures.

Love it when Pretz comes into town, we love ya bro!

Umm…I have to say that hearing Pic ramble on about CC for the past few weeks has stirred my curiosty. Last night I had the chance to play with the EB Crew and Pic and special guests. I have to say that CC is a great multiplayer game and all of you should give it a try. Mad Props to Jax, Drac, Pic, and the rest of the EB crew for hooking up for some phat CC action. The game is off the heezy!!

If you haven’t been keeping up with the fun exchanges between [H]ardOCP and Infinium Labs recently, then you must live under a rock. A brief rundown:

  • [H]ardOCP writes an article about IL and Tim Robert
  • 5 months go by
  • IL decides they don’t like the article and threatens a suit against [H]
  • [H] doesn’t budge
  • IL finally sends [H] a letter detailing the problems they have with the article
  • [H] addresses those issues and files suit to end this “dog and pony show”

Consider yourself caught up.

Fable FAQ Online

March 4, 2004

Lionhead was kind enough to post a “new” FAQ for Fable. Unfortunately, there isn’t much info that we don’t already have.

A while back I posted news about a new Sam & Max game that was in the works from LucasArts. It seems they decided to can the game only months away from its scheduled release date. Gamespot has the full story.