May 2004

I recently had a brief conversation with a friend about the current state of online PC gaming. No, this is not going to be a Pickle style rant about “PC Gamer” and how they are ruining the online experience. The discussion was about the recent release of Halo CE or Halo Custom Edition as it is being called. Halo CE is a 170MB free download that was put out by Gearbox. It is essentially a revamped and reworked Halo multiplayer. I never had the pleasure of playing Halo PC so I can’t attest to the problems that people experienced with that game. What I do know is that there were a whole lot of pissed off people.

Halo CE was meant to rectify that situation but after some thought, I think it may have made it worse. Halo CE is a standalone release by Gearbox that is not officially supported by Microsoft/Bungie. This release is meant to address some bugs in the graphics and netcode department from what I understand. Basically it is one big patch that just happens to be a standalone game. This “patch” is multiplayer only and is not compatible with Halo PC. In fact, there will also be no further updates to Halo PC, just to this new standalone multiplayer game. Lost yet?

This conversation I had left us both wondering why PC developers are making it so hard to get this multiplayer thing right. This is even more apparent in trying to setup LAN play. I agree that there are a ton of games out right now that seem to pull this off flawlessly, but why then are some games doomed to failure on a platform where multiplayer determines the popularity and demand for a game? If someone has the recipe for perfection then why hasn’t everyone figured it out?

I fondly remember playing Starcraft back in the day. Only one person has a copy? No biggie, we will just install the spawn and play on the LAN anyway. What ever happened to that concept? Many people are forced to purchase an additional copy of a game just to engage in LAN play. It seems to me that the developers would make it as easy as possible to get people hooked on LAN play so they would justifiably make the purchase of the full game. Instead, many companies are releasing half done games that are in a virtually unplayable state and expecting people to be ok with paying $50 a pop. That ventures a little off topic so I will steer us back and wrap things up.

I have all but stopped playing PC games right now and I stick with my consoles. This is not to say I have a strong preference one way or another, because I really don’t. Consoles fit my schedule right now, so consoles it is. I don’t mean to pick on Gearbox or any other developer specifically. I just want to see developers put the effort into the games that was evident in many of the older games I used to play. Did this issue have any affect on why I sort of phased out PC gaming? No, but I bet there are some people out there that might answer yes to that question.

Starsky & Hutch

May 10, 2004

[floatleft][/floatleft]Starsky & Hutch is an interesting take on the licensed game. Instead of trying to exactly capture the feel of the original media (in this case the classic TV show and NOT the Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson remake movie), it takes the elements from the show that are most compatible with a video game and goes crazy with them. To fully enjoy this game, you really need the right equipment and perhaps even the right attitude, but I found it to be a classic driving action game right up there with Crazy Taxi and Lucky and Wild.

As you would expect, the game involves Starsky & Hutch driving around in their famous Red Ford Torino dealing with the criminal element by driving after them and shooting them. You can elect to have the computer control the auto aiming (although you still have to shoot) or using the mouse to blaze away at the bad guys with your free hand. For the actual driving I was using a steering wheel, and the game seems to have been made for the wheel/mouse combo. The car handled just the way you would expect a muscle car to handle, and I had no problem sliding and handbrake turning my way through the streets of Bay City.

In order to better catch the criminals, the heroes can pick up powerups by running over or shooting icons floating in midair. These range from speed boosts and grip, to weapons and bonus VR points (see below). This system is really a lot of fun and separates the game from potentially being another generic chase-em-up. You use these powerups to destroy criminals you are chasing or to defend cars you may be escorting.

[floatright][/floatright]Unlike most games, Starsky & Hutch does not concern itself with your health. Your job is to achieve some police oriented task, such as shooting up a bank robber’s getaway vehicle or protect another car, while maintaining the interest of the audience. All of your performance is based on keeping your audiences interest, represented by a number called your viewer rating (VR), as high as possible. When you do exciting things, like jump over a ramp, skid through a turn, swerve through traffic, or run over an obstacle, your VR goes up. When you do bad things like hit civilian traffic, drive towards pedestrians, get shot, or shoot at people you aren’t supposed to, your VR drops. The VR alone determines how you are doing on the mission. You can bang up your car, temporarily lose your suspect, and even flip yourself and you will be able to keep going, but once you lose all your VR the game is over. The VR you have left determines what rank you get for the episode. I liked this system because it encourages you to drive through things, over ramps, and generally behave like the maniacs Starsky and Hutch were on the show.

The replay factor on Starsky & Hutch is pretty amazing considering what a simple game it is. In addition to the main episodes, there are other modes which you can unlock by getting better ranks in the episodes or completing certain secondary objectives. TV Specials are unlocked by completing those secondary objectives, and are just a grueling test of your driving or shooting skills. The challenges are pretty fun, and well worth unlocking. The Free Roam mode lets you drive around town with no enemies to shoot, but just to keep it interesting they give you strategically placed icons to find. This mode really helps you learn the maps and can be a big advantage later when you try missions in the same areas, and you can pick up other cars to drive in this mode here by grabbing icons on each level. You can also unlock the ability to watch the cutscenes, photos from the show, or even an interview with the actor who played Huggy Bear by picking up huggy bear icons.

The games graphics are flat and colorful, and maybe a bit cartoony, but they fit in very well with the arcadey nature of the game. Cars get beaten up and deformed to show the damage, with hoods and bumpers falling off as they are battered and shot. Sparks fly whenever your car grinds against the wall or when you shoot an enemy, and of course, enemies explode in huge fireballs when shot. The graphics in the game will not knock you off your feet, but they are well done and very appropriate for the story.

Sound is one area where the game is somewhat hit or miss. The gunshots, while not amazing, are more than adequate and the tires screech appropriately as you slide through a turn, but the engine sound just isn’t there. Anyone who has watched the original Starsky & Hutch probably remembers the enormous growl of the Ford Torino’s monster powerplant, and will sorely miss that sound in this game. Not that the sound is bad, but it could have been much better. However, Starsky & Hutch’s dialogue more than makes up for this oversight. They constantly give each other kudos for good shots and driving, and complain when the skills aren’t up to par. Also, when driving around, Starsky makes a lot of comments whenever you pass by a lady or a fast-food joint.

[floatleft][/floatleft]My only major issues with this game were the few situations where you could get completely lost or stuck. During one escort mission I would occasionally foul up a jump which landed me on a completely different freeway with no possible way to get back to protecting the car I was following. I also got turned sideways a few times in a narrow alleyway, and found it impossible to straighten out. Both of these were more or less avoidable once you really learn the levels, and you can always restart a mission, so I would say they are really only minor issues, but it still sucks to be taken completely out of a mission you were just cleaning house on.

Overall I’d have to say this is one of the best bargain games I have ever picked up, and I am definitely enjoying more than many games I have payed $50 for recently. I would warn anyone who is interested that you really need a steering wheel to get the most out of this game. The PS2 and Xbox versions both apparently support light guns, which sounds like potential for a lot of fun if you have a light gun, a steering wheel, and a friend who likes car chases. Even if you never watched Starsky & Hutch before you should give this game a try (it’s usually only $10), and you should also try to watch the show, now that it’s out on DVD.

[floatleft][/floatleft]It seems that with any series that lasts more than about 2 games, the game concepts get stale and the developer has to put a tremendous amount of effort into the next release just so that the reaction to a game is positive. How does that principle work considering the Tony Hawk series is now on its 5th or 6th (depending on if you count 2X or not) game in the series? Quite well actually. Aside from casual playing, I was introduced to the series with THPS4 on the Xbox. I felt that 4 was a very solid release and I was very weary of what Neversoft and Activision could add to Underground to make it worthy of my time and money.

The big addition to THPS2 was the use of the manual and its ability to help you link together long strings of tricks into insane combos. TH3 added the revert so you could make combos while on a half or quarter pipe. The new “revelation” in Underground is the ability to jump off your board, run for a moment, then remount your board and still continue the same combo. While I can see the advantage to this addition, it won’t be as revolutionary as the manual was to the overall game experience. The reason for this is because it’s extraordinarily difficult to control your character while not on board. This feature has its time and place, but don’t expect to use it all the time.

The rest of THUG feels and plays just like 4 did with the exception of a few changes in gameplay. Career mode from 4 was replaced by a story mode in THUG, which is actually a lot nicer. Instead of just selecting random tasks to complete, there is a nice little story that goes along with what you are doing and it made the game more enjoyable.

[floatright][/floatright]Still present is the ability to create your own skater with a wide variety of appearances and accessories that help make your skater “unique”. Unlockable secrets and cheats made the cut as well. Most of those features have become standard fare for the Tony Hawk series.

A few new things you will notice are the ability to create your own tricks as well as to put your face in the game (only in the PS2 version of the game). You can find instructions about how to put your face in the game on the THUG []website[/url]. The “create a trick” portion of the game was super easy and made for some interesting fun trying to create the wackiest looking tricks on the planet. I think this is the part of the game that I mentioned in the beginning of the review about having to put a lot of effort into new concepts to keep the game fresh.

It was sad that THUG was not live enabled as THUG would have been a nice addition to the Xbox Live family, but PS2 owners do have the option of playing online where Xbox and GC owners are not as fortunate.

[floatleft][/floatleft]All in all THUG is THPS4 with new levels, more options, and the same great soundtrack. While I certainly haven’t played THUG as much as I did THPS4, I would say THUG certainly delivered as the next game in the Tony Hawk series. If you are still enjoying TH4, there is no need to rush out and pick up THUG as the games are so similar, but if you are dying for some new content and the Tony Hawk games are your thing, then THUG is for you.

Put down your controllers and turn off your PCs. Spend some time showing your mother how much she means to you.

Halo CE

May 7, 2004

Halo PC owners, here is some info on the new Halo CE for you.

Yes it tells you exactly what Halo CE is in the FAQ.