July 2004

I know, I hate that about me, heh, I do trust me. I went into bitchy mode tonight.

I did however have an amazing time playing Joint Operations. For those of you with PCs you have to get it. It is everything that Ghost Recon should have been and the game is oh so pretty. Tonight we played it right. We had Kron from the amazing Xtreme Gaming Cyber Cafe here in San Antonio as our team captain. As Leader he can set way points and an overall strategy for the teams to follow, and keep his boys very much on the living side. We turned the spawn count down to five making for some nail biting moments with our team of 7. Best session of PC gaming I have EVER had.

News just in, I suck at FPS Multiplayer…or do I? Whats the point of strategy when everyone runs off? Whats the point of guns when everyone can bust out a sniper rifle? These questions to never be answered. Who complains the most? Pic, why? He is fed up.

Snap Click Update

July 6, 2004

So we have right about 70 submissions for the Snap Click Contest we are running. You can take a look at the competition here. The contest will run through Saturday at midnight and then the voting begins. You don’t have to register for anything to submit an entry, but you will have to register for the forums to vote on the winning submission.

Analysts Vol 1

July 6, 2004

This article has been making the rounds on gaming sites and forums all day long. People have been discussing the next 6 months in gaming and I will admit that it is going to get very interesting. I am not sure I believe we will see a gaming boom like no other though. While we do have a myriad of uber titles on the way out, it would take a more widespread variety of titles to create the type of boom they are expecting. That is just my take though. Many of those games do appeal to a more broad range of gamers as FPS games are very popular these days. I guess we can just wait and see what the industry does this 2H 2004. I don’t make it a habit of putting too much stock into what “market analysts” have to say.

Source: Gamespot

I trust everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I know the Mrs. and I did. We finished off Van Helsing and got ourselves frustrated with a little Metal Slug 3. Did you know that level 5 is one shade short of impossible? Oh, it’s true. After playing all night, we gave up in frustration. At first I figured a game with 6 levels might be too short, but the amount of time I have sunk into this game would contradict that thought.

Nintendo was also kind enough to send over a copy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong and boy does that game rock. Reviews for that and Metal Slug 3 are coming this week.