I am sure most of you are eating BBQ or doing something with the familia, so ham it up and get your game on Monday. I think I will watch Independence Day today, because Jeff Goldblum is dreamy! And of course he does pro MAC commercials.
July 2004
Gamespot is reporting that according to game industry analyst PJ McNealy Sony could possibly miss the March 2005 launch they had hoped for the PSP. McNealy cited concerns that SDK kits are not available along with a lack of wide publisher support for the new handheld. Sony was quick to deny any allegations and confirm that PSP is on track, but who knows.
Source: Gamespot
I wanted to let you know that I have an Onimusha 3 poster that is also part of the SNAP CLICk contest going on right now.
Cause we like you guys we have another contest here and ready to rock. All you have to do is take a screenshot of a game, and send it in. Details to the right. No really, its that simple.