Can you say Star Wars week? Star Wars Lego Demo, Episode III trailer, and then the awesome sprinkler. At any rate, I just watched the trailer and I think I have goose bumps from it. I am utterly speechless. Lucas just may pull this one off in a glorious fashion.
March 2005
If it wasn’t already apparent how much of a Star Wars nerd I am, the fact that I saw [url=;category_id=;pcid1=;pcid2=]this[/url] and immediately wondered how cool it would look in my front yard should solidify that fact for most of you.
A new Legend of Zelda trailer is out and it looks great. Many would argue the art direction that the Wind Waker took, well this new Zelda should appease even the most hard to please critics (or not cause you guys are hopeless).
Check it out at [url=][/url]
Since I am obviously not at the Game Developer’s Conference this week, you can catch up with everything that is going on there with eToychest’s thorough coverage right [url=§ionid=1&id=89&Itemid=2]here[/url]. I will be posting all the important announcements on the front page as they come out.
WorthPlaying has the demo for the upcoming Star Wars Lego game. It weighs in at a hefty 220MB, but I have a feeling it will be worth the wait. Get it [url=]here[/url].