[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/finalfantasyxi/cover.jpg[/floatleft]Let me forewarn everyone by saying that the [i]Final Fantasy[/i] series is my favorite series of all time, so I had a lot of expectations coming into this game. Not a single one of them was met. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as the game was certainly entertaining, but the tediousness of the game drove me to quit playing and cancel my subscription after about three quarters of a year, and I honestly don’t miss it. However, where [i]Final Fantasy XI[/i] failed to deliver us the charm of its predecessors, it added new charm that made a lasting impression on meA
March 2005
Riiiiiiiight, he is just a tad bit upset it seems, but so is the nature of anonymity. Cheating sucks yes, what gets me more is people playing the game opposite of how it was intended, but that’s neither here nor there.
I ever mention how awesome Kingdom Under Fire is? Man that game flew right under our radar, but hot damn its good! Go out and pick it up, for twenty dollars baby!
[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/oddworldstrangerswrath/cover.jpg[/floatleft]In the spirit of Lorne Lanning and his unbeatable obtuseness, I have called upon my reserves of Michelob UltraA
First off, I want to say thank you for ruining my online gaming experience on Xbox Live. I didn’t think there could be a way to cheat but you found one. You know I loved Halo, I really did. Because of you I hate it and really have no desire of playing that horrifying game. You know I should’ve listen to my comrade Pickle. He was right in saying that Halo 2 sucks! You have definitely comfirmed that online gamer. You have ultimately ruined my Halo experience and have wasted my time and money. I honestly believed that online gamer only existed in PC gaming. Oh boy was I wrong! My question to you is, What do you get out of cheating? Does it make your balls grow? Do you think chicks will want you because you beat people by cheating? Does cheating give your pathetic lives meaning? Pickle I want to apologize for being blinded by the truth, you were right Halo sucks!
P.S. Bungie can kiss my ASS!!
Anyone want to comment on [url=http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/256424.asp]this[/url] for me? Wraith, Bill, someone?
I seriously hope there is enough content to justify the $19.99 price tag on this item.