Elder Scrolls 4 was originally expected to be on nine discs. Of course, how much fun is that having to switch discs all the time while playing. That would really take you out of the game.
Well, it seems that the Xbox 360 uses what’s called DVD-9, which can hold nine gigabytes of data. With this being said, Elder Scrolls 4 on the Xbox 360 will only use one disc.
With that being said, will the game at LEAST be put on DVDs for the PC? Sure, they can compress many files and then extract them as part of the installation, but it really bugs me that games require more than one install disc typically. It may still need more than one DVD if it’s as huge as expected, but I certainly can’t imagine sitting through the install of that game if one were to buy it on CDs.
Seriously… PC games shouldn’t come on CDs anymore. I’d pay an extra $5 per game just for the convenience of them coming on one DVD instead of multiple CDs.
I just hope Bethesda takes a note from themselves on the PC version and tries to do the same basic thing. Sure, swapping discs during install isn’t as bad as having to during gameplay, but it’s still an annoyance and should be stopped.
Well, I’m sure some of you have already had your fun, but many of us either can’t get ahold of a 360, or it’s just too early to pay that much. Still, this is interesting. There are some comparison images over at the [url=http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=80139]Games are Fun[/url] forums showing a screenshot from the game and showing a picture of the real image from the real city. Some of them look so similar that I nearly can’t tell the difference. That’s just freaking amazing! That kind of detail is phenomenal.
Well, this seems great, but on the other hand, it’s not. I have a few different thoughts on Tetris DS.
For starters, it had better not have the slowdown issues of Tetris Worlds on the GBA. There’s NO excuse for a game to have slowdown when the original version in inferior hardware ran perfectly smooth, spinach green graphics or not.
Secondly, why must this use the touch screen? I see no reason for that. Sure, it’s nice that the touch screen is there, but some games just don’t need it. There had better be an option to not even use the touch screen.
But, the upside is that you will be able to play it on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network. Playing Tetris against real people is much better than just playing with yourself (that’s right, I said it).
And finally, will it be worth $35 for a new Tetris game? Maybe it’ll only be $20. Couldn’t we be so lucky. I have no problem with paying full price for a newer version of an old game, but come on now. This is Tetris. Not much has changed with Tetris over the years, and that’s the way it should be. Sure, give it to us on a new platform, but don’t charge full price for it.
I’m eager to download The New Tetris on the Revolution. I never could get all the wonders on my N64.
Source – [url=http://www.gamespot.com/ds/puzzle/tetris/news.html?sid=6142135]Gamespot[/url]
Let me start the review with a quote from a fellow reviewer, Hybridial: A
It has been a long time since we gave anything away here at SBG and I hate that. I love giving stuff to our readers and listeners. To remedy this situation I have pulled some strings with a friend over at Zipper Interactive and got a copy of Socom 3 with a strategy guide. This particular friend did us one better and got that copy signed by the entire Development Team. That’s right.
I want to make this a big one, but I am out of ideas so I will brainstrom with our crew and see if we can’t come up with a fantastic way to get this in one lucky winner’s hands.