There were rumblings of this earlier this week, but it looks like it’s going to happen. I can’t say I am surprised at all. The purchasing power of Dell in conjunction with the premium of Alienware just increases the profit margin of the boutique PC store. I just wonder what this will do to their customer service. Great hardware does you no good if it isn’t backed by a decent warranty in the event that it breaks.
Source: [url=,2933,188826,00.html]Fox News[/url]
1UP has an interview with Sony’s Phil Harrison that reveals more details of the PS3. Among other things discussed are the Playstation Network online service, the PS3 HDD, and the fact that PS3 will be region free (as far as games are concerned). I’m really excited about the last fact, because I am a bitter opponent of region coding. I can’t stand missing out on the one or two good titles that never get released here, but it’s often not worth the trouble to get a mod just for a handful of games.
Source: [url=]1up[/url]
I know a lot of people out there are excited about this virtual cooking sim for the DS. While I may think that you are all certifiable, I certainly wouldn’t want to deprive you of your fun. It looks like slicing, kneading, and pan-flipping are all included in this video, so it should give you a good idea of what to expect. They even have the traditional Japanese art of arranging your food ‘just so,’ because I can guarantee you that I have never seen an ugly layout in any restaurant in Japan.
Source: [url=]Kotaku[/url]
EA has taken the Battlefield series in a new direction with the announcement of Battlefield 2142. Instead of a historical scene BF 2142 will be a futuristic Sci Fi tactical shooter. You can read more [url=]here[/url] and see the trailer [url=]here[/url].
Source: [url=]Evil Avatar[/url]
Dean Takahashi of the Jan Jose Mercury News is reporting that Microsoft has it\’s own portable gaming device and \”iPod killer\” in the works. Sound familiar? He seems to think they are going to make their own take on the PSP.
Check out the original article [url=]here[/url].
I\’m personally not sure that the portable market is as competition friendly as the normal console market (espescially looking at past blunders into the market). If Sony steps up and has the market locked up between them and Nintendo, I don\’t really believe there\’s a lot of room for a third competitor. However, the PSP has some disadvantages in the battery life and loading time department that Microsoft might be able to use against them. A lot will change if the much-rumored 4GB flash PSP makes it to market after E3. At this point nothing is written in stone.
Source: [url=]Kotaku[/url]