August 2006

One thing you should never do, no matter how invalid your opponents argument, is to act like a screaming idiot in front of a lawyer. Lawyers know how to keep their cool and present ludicrous theories in such a way that average people will take them as truth. That being said, G4 is not exactly a beacon of common sense.

A few sites try to belittle Jack’s composure in this interview, but most people can see that to an average non-gamer type person that he comes off as way less crazy than we like to think.

[url=]Fingerpoint 2006: Jack Thompson interviewed[/url] (Destructoid)

I know I haven’t done this for two weeks, but I have been busy, and they were mostly pretty boring weeks except for a game or two that we all had been hyping anyways. But it’s back and it’s a good week to do it, too.

[b]Darkstar One – PC[/b]
We’ve had a fair trickle of info about this here spaceship game. I don’t have the time for it myself, but it looks like a fairly solid effort.

[b]99 Nights – Xbox 360[/b]
The demo should tell you everything that the reviews are saying: If you are sick of Dynasty Warriors, don’t expect the great fantasy design to breathe new life into the game. I’m definitely picking it up used, though. It’s been a while since I touched the genre.

[b]Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus – PS2[/b]
Another extension of the Final Fantasy VII epic storyline. It has recieved poor reviews, so it may be for Final Fantasy fanatics only.

Looks like there is life after Dead Rising. It should be a while before I feel the need to grab 99 Nights, though. By then it should be real cheap.

Looks like there are already some changes being made to the Master Chief’s armor for the upcoming film. According to the director, the existing design would limit the mobility of the actor. He should tell that to all the geeks who have built their own.

[url=]Master Chief’s armor to be revised for Halo film[/url] (Joystiq)

Bully not so bad?

August 11, 2006

So it seems Bully is pretty tame, punishing you for bad behavior and even making you go to class. It has apparently even satisfied several mainstream news outlets, including the New York Times.

[url=]Check out the trailer to see for yourself.[/url] (IGN)

[url=]Mainstream media: Bully relatively tame[/url] (Josytiq)

With a console as powerful and impressive as the Xbox 360, it probably seems a bit strange that a couple of the bigger releases on the system over the past few months have been half-year old games from the last generation. [i]Battlefield 2: Modern Combat[/i] has managed to see new life after being ported to the 360, and in the process, has gotten some additional content. The game looks beautiful in HD, and the newly added maps are also a welcome addition. However, if you’ve played [i]Modern Combat[/i] on the original Xbox or Playstation 2, is it worth experiencing again on the Xbox 360? Depending on who you are, [i]Battlefield 2: Modern Combat[/i] may just be worth another look on the Xbox 360.

For those who didn’t go through [i]Modern Combat[/i] on the last generation of systems, the game essentially takes the [i]Battlefield[/i] franchise made famous on the PC and gives it life on consoles. Unlike the PC version of [i]Battlefield 2[/i], though, [i]Modern Combat[/i] tries to work in a single player campaign in addition to online multiplayer. That was how the Xbox and Playstation versions worked, and the Xbox 360 version shows a near identical formula. In fact, there are few differences between the two; those differences being three new maps in multiplayer (including new vehicles and character models), much improved graphics, and enhanced support for the new Xbox Live. That’s about it, but you might want to look twice before dismissing, depending on who you are.

[i]Modern Combat[/i]’s story revolves around a crisis in the country of Kazakhstan in the distant future fought between the People’s Republic of China and the United States, backed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). While the single player campaign only allows you to take control of two sides, multiplayer mode also adds the Middle Eastern Coalition (MEC) and the European Union into the fray. You progress through the campaign by cycling through the two armies, playing a few missions as the U.S. forces and then switching to Chinese forces and then back again.

The single player mode of [i]Modern Combat[/i] is pretty run-of-the-mill. Possibly one of the only real stand out traits about single player is the ability to hot-swap to any other character on a map, which is kind of neat and allows you to not only traverse across maps in an instant but also play many different weapon layouts without having to re-spawn. However, after that, things fall a little flat. The campaign is fairly challenging, but sort of in the sense that you may have to lose several times in order to learn the given path to take. It doesn’t really help that the enemy AI just spawns in pre-determined locations and once you’ve played through a couple of times, you’ll anticipate where they’re supposed to show up. Your teammate’s AI isn’t exactly the best either, and more often than not, you may lose a mission solely because they used up all of the other bodies you could have hot-swapped to, or you may be the sole survivor of a mission (they literally run straight into the open for all enemy weapons to see).

Of course, any [i]Battlefield[/i] veteran can tell you that single player is far from what the series is about. Just like every other game in the series, the multiplayer is the center of attention here, and works just like it did in [i]Battlefield 2[/i] for the PC. The basic goal in multiplayer is for two teams to fight against each other in either conquest mode or CTF mode, although I think it’s a given that conquest mode (which consists of capturing a series of flags to use as spawn points) is usually the real attraction of the [i]Battlefield[/i] series. Each player gets to choose from a weapon kit, consisting of assault weapons, special operations gear, engineer kits, and more. To add to the mayhem, vehicles like tanks and helicopters are available, but sorry PC veterans: no jets.

Probably the reason that there are no jets in [i]Modern Combat[/i] is because the maps are generally much smaller than what was seen in [i]Battlefield 2[/i]. If you’re used to the big, open and spacious maps seen in [i]Modern Combat[/i]’s PC cousin, then these multiplayer maps will probably disappoint somewhat, although they are perfectly sized for the player limits of Xbox Live (up to 24 players). Most maps are designed fairly well, although some tend to lean the balance more towards one side. A