September 2006

Happy Labor Day

September 1, 2006

I just wanted to wish all of you in the States a happy and safe Labor Day. We’ll see you back here on Tuesday.

It’s been a veritable flood of info from Atlus this week. They just informed us that they acquired the North American publishing rights for Etrian Odyssey. Etrian odyssey is another DS title headed for a Q1 release in 2007. The Etrian Odyssey website is not yet live, but here is an exceprt about the game from the press release:

[quote]In a vast and fertile land lies a small town known as Etria, a peaceful village that became famous for a startling discovery. A crack in the vast forest opened at Etria’s edge, leading downward like a gaping maw. It all began there…

Those who hear rumors of the labyrinth of Etria, whether young or old, begin to harbor dreams of exploring it.[/quote]

I don’t know much about the game, but the guys behind it were involved with Trauma Center, Shin Megami Tensi: Devil Summoner, and Actraiser so expect it to be pretty solid.

Despite the lack of an annoucement earlier, most of the gaming world expected Assassin’s Creed to come out for the 360. UbiSoft made that official this morning by announcing that Assassin’s Creed would in fact be coming out for the 360 at the same time as the PS3 version, which is currently slated for Q1 2007. UbiSoft’s Montreal team is hard at work on the game. This is the same group that put out Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia. Expect this to be a spectacular game.

Source: Everywhere ([url=]IGN[/url], [url=]Gamespot[/url])

Contact Website Live

September 1, 2006

Atlus launched the website for yet another upcoming game late yesterday. Contact is a new game headed for the DS in October. The premise behind Contact is a rather interesting and quite simple story. Terry, a young lad who has a tendency to ditch class far too often, is whisked away in a spaceship by a strange professor. The why is not really touched upon, but it’s your job to save Terry and the Professor from the unknown planet they end up on.

The screens make Contact look like a very unique game. For more info, head over to the [url=]official Contact website[/url].