December 2009

One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year.  We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar.  Today, Graham Russell makes a lot of offbeat picks, because that’s pretty much what he does.

10. Retro Game Challenge (DS)

I want so badly for Japanese show Game Center CX to be subtitled and have an American release.  If more of you guys had bought this game, which is based on it, my dreams would be closer to happening.  You’re all dream-crushers.  That seems so incredibly mean. 

9. Torchlight (PC)

It’s like Diablo.  In that it’s really close to being Diablo.  Torchlight has a brilliant art style for a downloadable title, and there’s way too much gameplay in here to be healthy.  Multiplayer would have kicked it into the stratosphere, but it’s still solid as it is.

8. Scribblenauts (DS)

A perfect example of how hype can kill a game.  Before the months of constantly-raising expectations, Scribblenauts was a magical little cult hit.  Hopefully the series will continue with better controls and just a bit more variety in gameplay. READ MORE

Although we have seen Wallace & Gromit in some games before, Telltale goes for something a bit different (and perhaps more familiar) with their Grand Adventures. Although the first episode, Fright of the Bumblebees, released earlier in the year on Xbox Live Arcade, the last three episodes in the adventures were only just recently released. And although these ports of the PC adventure titles are far from perfect, they have enough to make them well worth recommending.

The art style resembles that of the Wallace & Gromit shorts (and feature films), and you can even seen fingerprints on the characters, representing the “clay animation” in games at its best. The gameplay style is very familiar, for those who have played previous Telltale adventures such as the Sam & Max episodes, or even the recently-released Tales of Monkey Island games. And this slow paced, yet very humor-based style of gameplay is best suited to the world of Wallace & Gromit.  

The story of all three of these episodes is not that connected, aside from a few references here and there. The third episode, Muzzled!, has an ending that is connecting with part of the fourth, The Bogey Man, but you do not need to play them in any particular order. Each episode follows Wallace & Gromit as they try to solve what may seem like an ordinary problem. 

The second episode, The Last Resort, has Wallace and Gromit trying to create a little resort in their own basement after bad weather cancels their own resort plans. The overall story is a bit weak, as there seems to be no clear focus for the plot. From each chapter in the adventure, the story jumps around quite frequently, when it seems like it would stay on one specific path. However, it is quite hilarious at times, and the puzzles themselves are well designed.

The third episode, Muzzled!, is easily the weakest of the bunch. Wallace and Gromit meet a strange man, Monty Muzzle, who comes to town to help raise money to save the now destroyed dog shelter. The majority of the adventure has you playing as Gromit as you try and prove that Monty is not all he seems to be. This episode has some very intriguing puzzles and a more straightforward story, but seems to lack the humor that the previous episode had. 

And then there is the best (and final) episode, The Bogey Man, which has Wallace trying to find the missing deed to an old golf club, Prickly Thicket. This is the best of the four simply because it has some of the best laughs, the cleverest puzzles, and the best interactions between all of the characters. Although the story is not as focused as in Muzzled!, it definitely seems to never go too far from where you would expect. 

The main problem with the Xbox Live Arcade versions of these episodes is that there is constant slowdown, graphical hiccups, and even some freezes that I’ve experienced with all three episodes. They are not noticeable in the PC versions, but it becomes clear that the XBLA version are probably not the ones to get if you have a good enough gaming PC. 

Overall, these three episodes are consistently funny (for the most part), have plenty of genius puzzles and re-introduce these amazing characters to old and new audiences alike. Even if you are not familiar with Wallace & Gromit, these adventures might make new fans out of you. 

ESRB: Rated E for everyone; these games are pretty much for all ages

Pros: Gameplay is simple enough for all ages; excellent puzzles; generally very funny

Cons: Constant game freezes and glitches; the second episode has a less focused story; the third episode does not have the same consistent level of humor as the other two


One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year.  We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar.  Today, Paul Bishop gets straight to the point.  Personally, we think it’s a bit lazy.

10. Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)

The dark storytelling kind of turned me off from this title, but the gameplay is simply amazing.

9. Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360)

Although the mechanics were a drastic turn for the series, this title is everything the hype made me think it would be.

8. Demon’s Souls (PS3)

Never has a game frustrated me more, but then again, never have I felt such accomplishment either. READ MORE

One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year.  We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar.  Today, Shawn Vermette makes us all gasp or something with his top pick.

10. Halo 3: ODST (X360)

Halo 3: ODST is not going to be the huge success or online presence that Halo 2 and 3 have been, but it had the best told story of the series and showed that Halo can indeed be played as more of a recon and stealth game than a action, run & gun, shooter. The style of action suited me and when I could play online with friends, it was a ton of fun also. 

9. Prototype (X360)

Prototype is the type of game you play when you want to cause unequaled carnage and wanton death. It also happens to have what I felt was a fairly good story, great controls, and a good difficulty curve. With my newfound love of open world games, all of these added up to one great experience with Prototype.  READ MORE

One of Snackbar Games’ traditions every year is to have each staffer pick their top ten games of the year.  We’re so all over the map in our tastes that our lists are never similar.  We kick it off today with Justin Last.

10. Defense Grid: The Awakening (PC, XBLA)

Multiple tower types, three levels per tower, and excellent levels that encourage creative tower layout make this a TD game that I keep coming back to.

9. Fat Princess (PSN)

Take Team Fortress 2 and turn it into a medieval cartoon. Also replace the flag with a princess who gains weight really quickly when you force-feed her cake. It’s just as great as it sounds.

8. Shadow Complex (XBLA)

A modern love-letter to Super Metroid complete with missiles, health packs, and an x-ray visor analog. Challenge rooms are fun, but the story is lackluster, and the map layout makes no sense. Still fun enough that I have completed it three times.  READ MORE