July 2011

Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Sigma stand among the best, and most difficult, games in the action genre. Unfortunately, Gaiden 2 dropped the ball a bit. Will Ninja Gaiden 3 prove to recapture the love of its fans? It’s early, but we’re leaning toward yes. READ MORE

If you enjoy the sound of weeping and gnashing of teeth (or doing the same yourself), then you owe it to yourself to play Demon’s Souls sometime. If you’ve already played it and are looking for more punishment, look out for Dark Souls later this year. READ MORE

The original Deus Ex is generally considered a gaming classic. The second game planted doubt in the minds of many about whether it could work as a series. We got some time with the upcoming prequel, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and it’s still a bit up-in-the-air. READ MORE

2007’s Kingsburg, designed by Andrea Chiarvesio and Luca Iennaco and published in America by Fantasy Flight Games, is similar to the subject of the last Gaming Unplugged, Alien Frontiers, in that both use dice as “workers” in a worker-placement mechanic. The similarities essentially end there, however, as Kingsburg uses those dice in different ways and for different purposes. READ MORE

Kirby is Nintendo’s favorite test subject. If there’s something new, untested or just plain weird being cooked up at the Big N, chances are that the pink puffball will get thrown into it somehow. He’s been tilted and tumbled, cursed, turned into yarn and caught in an avalanche. Now he’s been cloned repeatedly. As with the other quirky Kirby games, though, it’s shaping up to be quite fun. READ MORE