This week, we’re looking at the planning in advance of RoboHero, the physics-heavy slicing of Catch the Princess and the gravity-defying Inertia: Escape Velocity.
RoboHero: This new release from Bravado Waffle Studios has drawn many comparisons to modern unplugged classic RoboRally. This is warranted, as both have players queueing up incremental movement and turns before watching the orders followed in an ever-changing environment. This iOS title, though, turns the formula in an action-focused direction, and offers a very different experience. READ MORE

Here at Snackbar Games, we’re as interested in news as anyone else. That’s why we’ll be bringing you a weekly review of the game announcements we think you’ll be interested in.
TOP STORY: Vita 3G data plans unveiled
The biggest question Sony left lingering in the minds of the gaming public has finally been answered. Two plans will be available: $15 for a 250MB-per-month plan, and $25 for a 2GB option. While these prices are pretty much standard for any AT&T data plan, AT&T, the exclusive carrier for the Vita, says that no contracts will be required for them. As such, gamers can cancel them at any time and renew them again whenever they want to.
At CES2012, Sony finally had a playable version of Sorcery on display. Once considered by many to be the central selling point for the Move, it silently disappeared for almost two years. With the game now on pace for a 2012 release, the team wanted to give us this look at gameplay.

2012 kicked off in a big way for the board gaming community, as Gary Games finally unleashed the next standalone edition of Ascension in the form of Storm of Souls. Much like Chronicle of the Godslayer, Storm is a hundred-card center deck and enough “always available” and starter cards to accommodate up to four players. Storm can also be combined with Chronicle and/or its expansion Return of the Fallen to hold six players. As this is a “base” release, Storm also includes a new and slightly-revised playing board, along with the usual array of red and white honor crystals. Sadly, a more streamlined version for those of us who already have more crystals than we could ever possibly need and little interest in the board is not offered. READ MORE

Time for another edition of Why haven’t you played this?, the portion of Jay Button where I make you feel guilty for no reason. When games successfully made the jump from 16 to 32-bit era with the PlayStation many new ideas were thrown out of the nest before they were ready to fly, while a few were allowed to stick around a bit past their time. One relic of a bygone era was cute mascot platformers. READ MORE