February 2012

I was surprised when I loved Flight Control HD on Steam. It’s an up-port of an iOS game, and I didn’t expect it to hold my attention very long on the PC. iOS games are designed to be played for 10 minutes while you’re waiting for the train or when you’re stranded at a family function miles and miles away from your PC and/or consoles. It didn’t matter. I’ve played over 200 games of it, and it’s still in my regular Steam rotation.

Quarrel is shaping up much the same way. It’s an up-port of an iOS game that showed up on XBLA this week (though this version was made first), and I can’t stop playing it. Scrabble and Risk are two of my favorite board games. Combining them and throwing them on XBLA is a match made in heaven, and I can only hope that the multiplayer base remains strong on this one. READ MORE