At E3 2006, the Wii made its playable-demo debut in anticipation for its launch later that year. A lot of solid titles were previewed in one form or another, including a five-minute demo of a game being developed by Nintendo Software Technology (Metroid Prime: Hunters, Mario vs. Donkey Kong) that looked unlike anything else Nintendo had published to that point.
Instead of any of the established characters that would eventually make up the roster for the then-unfolding Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it starred a hulking cyborg known as M-09 as he made his way through a series of robots armed with only one weapon: a titanic hammer that smashed robots as easily as it smashed everything else. Cars, walls, crates, whatever. READ MORE

With the fourth PlayStation on the horizon, rumors are flying about backward compatibility, required digital releases and the end of used games. We try to sort it out. READ MORE

Check out parts one and two of this feature here.
So you don’t know where to start when it comes to video game music? No problem! Let this listener’s guide give you a brief tour of the aural confections that could be filling your ears at this very moment, and this is only a small taste! Treat it as a jump start to more exploration. READ MORE

Adventure games figured out a gameplay formula that worked and pretty much stuck with it. As gamers became accustomed to faster and more engaging games, many from genres that repurposed adventure game attributes for their own means, the genre failed to adapt and instead died. Well, not entirely. Some came out once in a while, then Telltale started to make the genre popular again, and now with indie titles and Double Fine’s Kickstarter experiment, they’re finally entering the mainstream once more. So it’s more like adventure games were in a coma. READ MORE

This week, the RPG news kept rolling, from both East and West.
TOP STORY: Kingdom Hearts 3D dropping this summer
Square Enix is obviously in no hurry to start working on Kingdom Hearts 3, but for now fans of the series can look forward to playing the next intermediary title, Dream Drop Distance. Described as the opening of the final act in the current storyline, Kingdom Hearts 3D follows Sora and Riku as they attempt to become keyblade masters. Gamers will be able to get their hands on it on July 31.