Sonic Adventure 2 is the end of an era for the franchise. Since the Dreamcast’s untimely demise, the series took a decade of strange twists and turns to find its place in the gaming landscape, but there was never any confusion before that: Sonic was Sega’s standard-bearer. As such, it was the high-budget franchise used to show off the system’s special features and generally be the long, full game you can get lost in if you have nothing else to play. READ MORE
October 2012
It’s a weird time in the industry for adventure games. There are still plenty of them released today, with most of them developed by smaller studios and released as PC exclusives. However, every now and again one slips through the cracks and finds its way to consoles. The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, the sixth game in Frogwares’ adventure franchise, is such a game. It sticks to a relatively well-worn formula, but one that will please most Sherlock Holmes fans or those just looking for a lengthy, puzzle-filled adventure. READ MORE
In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
Since the very first day I picked up an Atari joystick, video games have changed in just about every way imaginable. It’s for that reason that selecting an all-time favorite game is quite a daunting task. When I close my eyes and imagine for a moment that I am standing in front of a library of games that spans the entire history of this industry and I have to pick just one game, only one comes to mind: Super Mario Bros. 3. For many gamers that got their start when I did, this may seem like the obvious safe choice, and for some it is. For me, Super Mario Bros. 3 played such an integral role in my life as a gamer, that it’s the only choice that makes sense. READ MORE
Call me a cynic, but the announcement of the new SimCity sequel left me cold. It’s not that it doesn’t have it share of good promises; it’s that most of them we have already seen before, with regions and simulation of every single person living in your city being already the flagship changes of SimCity 4. In a certain way, it’s not like I can blame them. SimCity 4 was such a step forward that I can’t help but think that it’s more SimCity than the original game. All those features, nuances and ideas of the older games became quirks in my mind after playing 4. They had all been replaced. READ MORE
When we last left our heroes, the Sentinels of the Mulitverse, I made a comment that the team at Greater Than Games had recently started what turned out to be a crazily well-funded Kickstarter for the next expansion and a revised edition of the base set. I also said that stuff was scheduled to arrive in August. Well, typhoons around China and US Customs delayed that about a month, but the Sentinels could not be stopped and now both Enhanced Edition and Infernal Relics are loose upon the world. The timing actually turned out to be quite serendipitous, since as I write this, the disc release of The Avengers has just arrived (and I actually have it on in the background right now, which is only a mild distraction), so everyone should be in a superhero team-up kind of mood anyway. READ MORE