Another year, another Dance Central. Harmonix has developed an amazing formula for this game that’s worked for them year after year: providing Kinect users with intricate routines and high-energy music that would blow the doors right off a club. Has it finally grown stale and left us embarrassed on the dance floor?
Not quite yet. READ MORE

A complaint I read about often is that the video game industry spawns far too many sequels. Fans would like to see more fresh, original games that aren’t part of a set series, or based on a movie or TV show. I understand the frustration, and video games aren’t alone in this regard. The movie industry is plagued with sequels, many are based on graphic novels or books. Most of them also happen to be insanely profitable, which is why you’ll continue seeing them made, for better or for worse. READ MORE

I love co-op. I don’t think there will ever be a time when I don’t love co-op, and I hope it continues to be a popular trend in gaming. Whether it’s local or online, playing through a game with a friend is something that can enhance your experience tenfold. I even love going through single-player games with friends. There’s something about that experience that will never get old. However, I would never want all of my gaming experiences to be cooperative. There are plenty of games that benefit from being played solo, and while I sometimes I can appreciate the focus on co-op in franchises that were once solely single player experiences, it can lead to a large problem. READ MORE

The DJMax series hasn’t found much light here compared to other music games here in the U.S., but it still managed to find its niche here. While some are familiar with the Beatmania-styled Portable series (DJMax Fever and DJMax Portable 3 both making their way to the states), the lesser known Technika has only made an arcade appearance for the last three years of its existence. At most, those machines have been scarcely placed around the country. READ MORE

When making an action-RPG on a handheld system, there are two things you need to do to make it work. First, make sure it is an easy pick-up-and-play game in small doses. Next, put in a camera that works with a portable systems’ limitations. With Ragnarok Odyssey, Game Arts did a better job of fulfilling those needs than anyone else has thus far on the Vita. READ MORE