I’ve never understood any real-time strategy game.
I just haven’t. As much as I loved Red Alert and spent half of my early Internet days playing Age of Empires and Starcraft, I realized that I didn’t understand the games I was playing. Sure, I built units, chopped down trees and made a coordinated attack on the enemy base with a quite-brilliant paratrooper plan, but at no point did I question what I was doing or even cared about the options the game was giving.
Total Annihilation was the first time I was told that having options without understanding them is as good as not having any. And I loved every second of it. READ MORE

The original Fluidity is still one of the best original titles to appear on WiiWare, so when I first heard about a 3DS eShop sequel being planned, I was certainly looking forward to it. That sequel, Fluidity: Spin Cycle, arrived in late December. Some cosmetic changes have been made that make the game appear like some sort of mascot platformer if you don’t see any actual gameplay images, but rest assured: this is still the same splashing, freezing, and lightning-blasting Fluidity puzzle-platforming. READ MORE

2012 was a surprisingly good year for stealth games. What surprised me even more is that I like all of them. Stealth isn’t typically a genre that I like, but Dishonored, Mark of the Ninja and Stealth Bastard have got me reconsidering my genre preferences. Stealth Bastard stands out from the other two, though, for being primarily a puzzle game instead of an action game. It’s a nice change of pace, the challenge is high, and it feels unique in a crowded year for the genre. READ MORE

Shawn’s been super-sick this week (get better, Shawn!), but the rest of the crew weighs in on the latest rumors about The Witcher and Pokemon, and wraps up a lot of the results for their previous predictions! READ MORE

There’s nothing like a new title from Platinum Games to make me feel like the least skilled gamer of all time and love every minute of my deserved trouncings.
Anarchy Reigns is a busy, busy game. It invokes cult classics such as MadWorld, Bayonetta and even a little God Hand. It strives to take the familiar hardcore Japanese brawler, douse it with online multiplayer and ignite it with as much chaos as possible. Anarchy, indeed. READ MORE