One of the biggest headline Xbox One exclusives shown off by Microsoft this week was Sunset Overdrive. The main reasons the game has been getting attention are its bright color palette and energetic gameplay. Also, it’s being developed by Insomniac Games, whose work up until this point has been almost entirely exclusive to PlayStation platforms. That’s all well and good, but there was something about the teaser trailer shown at Microsoft’s briefing this year that struck me in a very unexpected way. Not anything specifically about the game, but instead a line spoken by its protagonist:
“Can you survive the many dangers? Can you help others survive? Can you save Sunset City? Can you? For the love of God, can you? Of course you can – it’s a f–– video game.” READ MORE

Not all the E3 news is shared at the big five briefings! Here’s a recap of all the scattered game announcements made at and just before this year’s show, including Final Fantasy Type-0, new Miyamoto projects and some thoroughly confusing Harvest Moon business that we try to clear up. READ MORE

Let’s be honest right up front and admit that the Mario Kart series has settled into the same familiar wheel-spinning evident in a lot of Nintendo’s long-running franchises lately. Of course, there really isn’t that much room for improvement, since the series has been incredible for just about its entire run. Mario Kart 8, like most of its predecessors, adds a couple of interesting new minor features, mixes up the roster (now including five babies and seven Koopalings!), and of course provides 16 incredible all-new tracks along with the now-standard 16 retro courses without noticeably breaking anything important. READ MORE

Now that the show’s over, how did our predictions fare? Read on to find out, and see who took the title in this year’s overall challenge!

Nintendo capped off the big pre-E3 briefings with its “digital event,” revealing its Amiibo NFC figures, sharing new Zelda and Smash Bros. information and showing a lot of trailers for in-development Wii U games. READ MORE