Here’s a game that was released for a very specific audience: fans of The Incredible Machine series. It’s rare to still see a full-fledged XBLA title come out that is this under the radar, but here it is: Crazy Machines Elements.
The game is pretty simple: you are presented with some objects, a machine, and a puzzle you need to solve with said machine. The machine is a Rube Goldberg-esque contraption that, when set off, begins moving a cavalcade of different mechanics and items. You need to place the objects you have in a specific way in order to achieve your object. It’s as simple as game concepts get, but the puzzles themselves can be devilishly difficult. READ MORE

Hailed as one of the greatest games of all time by many, the original Deus Ex was a truly groundbreaking title that helped establish that choice matters in games. Eleven years and one underwhelming sequel later, we have Deus Ex: Human Revolution, a prequel to the original title that hopes to bring back the Deus Ex name in a big way. READ MORE

Imagine you’re sitting down one day, enjoying another gaming session with the latest new release. You find your character on an important mission to prevent the assassination of some sort of important political figure. You have two ways to approach the situation: go where you think the assassination attempt will take place and try to stop it there or, using intelligence you gathered earlier on in the game, track down the group planning the entire thing. READ MORE

Alice: Madness Returns is a sequel nobody could have seen coming, especially eleven years after the release of the original. American McGee’s Alice was a cult hit and garnered a lot of attention for designer American McGee, featuring a darker, more sinister version of Lewis Carroll’s classic book. Following the events of the first game, Madness Returns focuses on Alice as a teenager, recovering from her traumatic past. READ MORE

Sega’s recent releases based on the latest Marvel movies have been less than great. From the two Iron Man games to this year’s Thor: God of Thunder, it was safe to assume everyone’s favorite spandex-wearing American soldier would get a similar treatment. Thankfully, Captain America: Super Soldier surpasses those lousy expectations and stands out on its own a truly fun, albeit unpolished, adventure. READ MORE