Chris Rasco

Bill Harris did a great job of analyzing last month’s NPD numbers and it’s really looking quite grim for the gaming industry as a whole. Nintendo looks to be doing the worst, in terms of sales as a year over year %, and Microsoft the best.

The verdict? Sales are in the toilet and console makers better be looking at price cuts if they hope to make any type of rebound by the end of the year.

Today is the final day for the pre-order bonus for Telltale Games’ release of Tales of Monkey Island. The bonus includes an exlusive DVD slipcase, a code for a free Telltale Game, and access to an exclusive section of the Telltale site. $35 gets you access to all 5 episodes of the Monkey Island game.

I just ordered mine. If you are planning on getting the game anyway then you might as well cash in on the bonus items right? You can place your order right here.

It’s been a long time since I really had a ton of games to juggle. This week alone I’ve split my time between Grand Slam Tennis, Tiger Woods 10, Punch Out!!, Prototype, and Ghostbusters. Talk about an amazing lineup of titles. I’m honestly enjoying my time with each and every one of these titles. Of the group I think Prototype is probably my favorite, but Punch Out!! is pretty darn fun.

What’s in your system right now?

Having skipped E3 this year, I didn’t get a chance to actually try out any games with Wii Motion Plus capabilities. I played Grand Slam Tennis over the weekend, but sans WMP. To rectify that issue, I ran over to Costco yesterday and got a copy of Tiger 10. Costco has the Tiger 10 + WMP bundle for $54, arguably the best deal out there right now. READ MORE

There’s been a lot of buzz about Acitivision’s newest action game Prototype and I’ve really been trying to ignore as much of it as possible so I could formulate my own opinion on the game. I finally got a chance to play it last night and I’ve got quite a few things to say about it.

First and foremost, this is not a game for kids. Yeah, lots of bloody games carry the M rating, but Prototype earned it easily. The language and dialogue in the game makes extensive use of words of the the adult variety. I lost count of the number of F bombs I heard after we hit about 20. As a parent I cringed everytime I heard one because I tend to associate games with wholesome kid friendly entertainment, but as a mature gamer I was glad it was there because that’s the type of dialogue I’d expect to hear if there was a horde of infected zombies running amok in NYC and there was a shape shifting freak killing everyone. So I’m riding the fence on that topic. READ MORE