10. Max Payne 3
Max Payne 1 and 2 were two of my favorite games ever. The film noir setting, combined with the Matrix-like moves and gunplay, gave a 16 year old me an incredible rush. Times have changed, and this is easily the weakest game in the trilogy, but I’m glad they brought it back. The voice acting and cutscene direction is splendid, and it definitely feels like a movie. But did it need to be this hard? I died more in this game than the first two combined, easily. The flashback levels to the snowy city skyline were far superior to the South American setting, but it still worked. READ MORE

I recently returned from a trip to Las Vegas. Now that I’ve escaped the withdrawal symptoms associated with a week-long diet of prime rib and Red-Bull-and-vodkas, I can finally sit down and type. It was quite a trip. We plan one of these events every year or so. Some of us know each other from high school, or college, or the various sports teams that we play on. It’s always a good group. You’ll rarely find an unenthusiastic participant. And somehow, the trip usually lives up to the hype. READ MORE

I’m sure we all have a friend who we sort of wish wasn’t our friend. You hang out with him, or her, and they cause nothing but trouble; they break things accidentally, say inappropriate things at inappropriate times, borrow your stuff without asking you (I call that unanticipated partnership of ownership) or don’t shower. Whatever it is.
But when push comes to shove, when the situation is laid out on the table and you’re looking over the events that occurred, you can point to that friend and you can proudly claim that, faults and all, you’re glad they’re your friend. Until they take the last beer out of your fridge and ask if it’s okay to date your sister. READ MORE

A complaint I read about often is that the video game industry spawns far too many sequels. Fans would like to see more fresh, original games that aren’t part of a set series, or based on a movie or TV show. I understand the frustration, and video games aren’t alone in this regard. The movie industry is plagued with sequels, many are based on graphic novels or books. Most of them also happen to be insanely profitable, which is why you’ll continue seeing them made, for better or for worse. READ MORE

There are a few isolated moments amongst thousands that are easily recalled when contemplating growing up. Paying your own dentist bill. Buying a house. Being responsible for more than just yourself. Often they come out of nowhere, requiring on-the-spot common sense and a lingering afterthought of “gosh, I hope I did that right.” We as gamers face common challenges when we mature; social pressures to play less, other hobbies, relationships and work all can disrupt a good game session. Sometimes they should. But beyond that, do we still feel the same when we play games as we get older? No doubt we are wiser, and probably harder to impress, but do we still enjoy them as much? Do we enjoy them the same way? READ MORE