Apparently the mayor of Las Vegas thinks that somehow his town is exempt from being depicted in fictional stories, and the sheriff thinks that kids are forced to play video games. The mayor, at least, needs a very harsh education on what first amendment rights actually are.
Kotaku also has some nice new screens of the game.
[url=]Las Vegas Hates Ubi[/url]
[url=]New Rainbow Six: Vegas Screens[/url]
(both via Kotaku)
Doesn’t that just roll of the tongue? Electronic Arts has released their first 6 games for the Wii: Madden NFL, Need for Speed, Harry Potter, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR, SSX, and The Godfather.
No more info beyond that.
[url=]Godfather, Harry Potter, Others for Wii[/url] (1up)
For those of you with a little technical interest in how the Cell processor works, Gamasutra has a nice article discussing the basics of the multiprocessing beast. The complication of the PS2 was both its greatest strength and weakness, and the cell is certainly taking an exponential jump down that path. So if you have the mental fortitude, take a look.
[url=]A Glimpse Inside the Cell Processor[/url] (Gamasutra)
Alan was one of the men who made “Spacewar,” which is one of the first video games ever. He was responsible for the controller design and some of the math routines used in the PDP-1 it ran on. Hats off to one of the videogame pioneers who helped bring us to where we are today.
[url=]Alan Kotok, designer of the first video game controller, dies at 64[/url] (Artechnica)
It has been confirmed that Target is pulling UMDs from their shelves. In related news, sony will be selling a distro pack with a memory stick and four unlockable movies (although you only get to unlock one). The movies are: Hitch, SWAT, The Grudge, and XXX: State of the Union.
I really thing if they want people to watch movies on this thing, cheap digital distribution is the only way for them to go, but I doubt this package will be cheap, and the movie selection isn’t exactly impressive. Maybe if they’d just unlock full resolution for movies you rip yourself we could all be happy. has some great 3 stooges episodes if you want to try your hand at messing with PSP Video 9.
[url=]Rumor Confirmed: Target Pulls UMDs From Stores[/url]
[url=]Sony Explores PSP Movie Distro Via Memory Card[/url]
(both via Kotaku)