Joe Teed

I know I haven’t done this for two weeks, but I have been busy, and they were mostly pretty boring weeks except for a game or two that we all had been hyping anyways. But it’s back and it’s a good week to do it, too.

[b]Darkstar One – PC[/b]
We’ve had a fair trickle of info about this here spaceship game. I don’t have the time for it myself, but it looks like a fairly solid effort.

[b]99 Nights – Xbox 360[/b]
The demo should tell you everything that the reviews are saying: If you are sick of Dynasty Warriors, don’t expect the great fantasy design to breathe new life into the game. I’m definitely picking it up used, though. It’s been a while since I touched the genre.

[b]Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus – PS2[/b]
Another extension of the Final Fantasy VII epic storyline. It has recieved poor reviews, so it may be for Final Fantasy fanatics only.

Looks like there is life after Dead Rising. It should be a while before I feel the need to grab 99 Nights, though. By then it should be real cheap.

Looks like there are already some changes being made to the Master Chief’s armor for the upcoming film. According to the director, the existing design would limit the mobility of the actor. He should tell that to all the geeks who have built their own.

[url=]Master Chief’s armor to be revised for Halo film[/url] (Joystiq)

Bully not so bad?

August 11, 2006

So it seems Bully is pretty tame, punishing you for bad behavior and even making you go to class. It has apparently even satisfied several mainstream news outlets, including the New York Times.

[url=]Check out the trailer to see for yourself.[/url] (IGN)

[url=]Mainstream media: Bully relatively tame[/url] (Josytiq)

It’s probably not quite that good, but the upcoming Cash Money for PSP does look like a nice massive shooting romp. I hope it’s good, because the PSP could use some nice mindless shooter fun.


[url=]PSP to get some Cash Money y’all[/url] (Joystiq)

But who is he? Neill Blomkamp has apparently done a sci-fi short film and some 3d work for Smallville and an episode of Dark Angel long after I stopped watching it, but I really couldn’t tell you anything about him. Except that he’s apparently from South Africa.

Honestly his tiny portfolio ([url=]which seems to be purely 3d animation[/url]) doesn’t mean he will disappoint us. Maybe the move will mostly be 3d rendered? Who knows at this point.

I guess he can’t be worse than Uwe Boll.

[url=]Halo Movie Director Named[/url] (Gamasutra)