When it comes to videogames, Rockstar has in its short life become synonymous with pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable with regards to action, violence, and sex. However, with regards to the developers’ latest creation the company has broadened its catalog to include Table Tennis, and in so doing has proven that it is not a one-trick pony.
Table Tennis is exactly what you would expect, and while the concept is far simpler than other Rockstar-developed titles, the experience is nonetheless exhilarating. You might just shrug this sports title off but to do so without playing it first would be a mistake, as matches within Table Tennis can be just as intense, brutal, and a sweat-inducing as those found in any other arguably more conventional sports title.
Another facet of Table Tennis that enhances its appeal is that, like any great game, it is easy to pick up and enjoy by anyone, but mastering the intricacies of all it has to offer takes a lot of time and devotion. In addition, while the initial tournaments are fairly simple, the game can and does become unapologetically difficult as matches continue. Heated matches will find you holding your breath as you and your opponent bat the ball back and forth for several minutes before the camera slows down to show the ball barely touch the corner of the table and bounce just beyond your opponent’s reach. The core gameplay may be simple, but the ferocity of Table Tennis should not be taken lightly.
All of the gameplay is backed by solid graphics that really add to the feeling of being in an intense grudge match between two seasoned athletes. Players’ clothes wrinkle and sway with every stroke, while beads of sweat form on both players as the match continues and intensity increases. Clothes even begin to evoke stress as well with dark sweat spots appearing on the players’ outfits. This may only be cosmetic but it sure turns the notch up just one more level with regards to realism. Adding to this are the noises made by the crowd as they they react to the ongoing game, including chants for the winning player’s country and moans following a narrowly missed return. Meanwhile only after successfully keeping the ball in play, a techno soundtrack kicks in to fuel your aggression even more. This is a game that is not only fun, but seems to drive you to win.
Table Tennis‘ controls are simple yet effective. They give you the option of using your right analog stick or the face buttons for your hitting techniques, which is a nice feature, as using the analog stick almost feels like you’re actually swinging the paddle yourself. Different types of returns put different directional spins on the ball, which can affect how the ball reacts once it strikes the opponent’s side table. Other options, such as charging your shot for a more powerful return, of performing a tricky soft lob just over the net just add more depth to an already deceptively deep game.
One of the best features of Table Tennis is its multiplayer support, both offline, and over Xbox Live. Whether you’ve got a friend sitting next to you, or you are competing with others online, expect to waste hours in front of the television paddling the ball back and forth. The game is insanely addictive, and when you grow bored of the single player tournaments, the prospect of taking your skills up against other real players will keep you up late at night and coming back for more.
Table Tennis is a surprise hit. It doesn’t try to offer anything other than what the title indicates, and yet this is exactly why the game succeeds. It doesn’t offer a robust set of playing modes, and instead simply does one thing really well. Whether you decide to play for 30 minutes or have an all night tournament with your friends, Rockstar’s latest offering provides fun in spades.
Score: 87%