Justin Last


Everyone wants to be a secret agent at some point in their lives. With role models like James Bond, Jason Bourne and the Men in Black, it’s no wonder that we all want to use cool gadgets, drive fast cars and look as good in a suit as Will Smith. Gunpoint lets you live out that fantasy, except instead of glamour and women with ridiculous names, Richard Conway has a pair of bullfrog trousers and a Crosslink. It is those two things that elevate Gunpoint from a merely good stealth puzzle game to an absolutely great one. READ MORE


Super Splatters is an up-port of the 360-exclusive The Splatters. After playing this new version, it’s evident that PC is where this game always belonged. I loved the 360 title, and the added finesse that a mouse allows makes Super Splatters even better. READ MORE


Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4 has a lot going for it. First and foremost, it, like Rain-Slick 3 before it, is not afraid to poke fun at tropes and then use them itself. It’s also very funny. The battles are an absolute blast to play, and the tale is long enough to feel substantial but short enough to not overstay its welcome. That’s something that more RPGs should do; 15 hours is often enough, and if your game will take 80 hours to complete, then I may just shy away from it; I could play four other games in that same span of time. READ MORE


There are a lot of things in games that are just not fun. Getting absolutely decimated because your equipment is too weak is not fun. Steamrolling the enemy because your equipment is too strong is fun once and then never again. And more than anything else, grinding easy missions hoping for a rare drop is not fun — particularly when that rare drop will take you straight from getting handily beaten to absolutely wiping out the enemy. READ MORE


Tower defense is a difficult genre in which to innovate. Stray too far from paths and towers and you’re no longer making tower defense, but stay too close and there is nothing to separate you from all of the other TD games out there. 11 bit found a great way to stand out with the original Anomaly: Warzone Earth in which, instead of placing towers as a disembodied defender, you controlled the squad of attackers. Anomaly 2 iterates on that concept, and it’s a great alternative to the other, more traditional TD games in my library. READ MORE