Justin Last


On paper, Special Forces: Team X should be great. Take Gears of War multiplayer, add Call of Duty-style perks and loadouts and give the whole thing a Borderlands paint job. All three of those games are enjoyable, but when you mash them together, the end product just ends up feeling bland, and like it started its life as a free-to-play game whose transition to full title was never really completed. READ MORE


Sly Cooper games aren’t really made anymore. As an industry, we’ve moved beyond collecting things to encourage exploration, injecting mini-games into platformers and doing everything possible to make the player feel like they’re controlling a cartoon. And it’s a shame. Games like Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time are fun, and everything else stems from that. It’s silly and easy, but the whole journey is fun. READ MORE


I am not entirely sure that I really know what Antichamber is. I know it is a puzzle game, and I know it’s played from the first-person perspective. I also know that it’s one of the most frustrating games I have ever played. While most puzzle games make me feel dumb for getting stuck and then smart for finally figuring it out, Antichamber makes me feel dumb for getting stuck and then lucky for stumbling upon a solution. READ MORE


Defense Grid is special. It’s a tower defense game with an interesting story, likable characters and a great variety of tower, enemy and level types. There is no single best strategy, non-tutorial levels have multiple (and often wildly different) ways to succeed and the entire interface is designed to allow the player to experiment with new strategies and tower location without needing to restart the level every time something goes wrong. That’s what makes Defense Grid great – what does Containment add? READ MORE


I feel like I need to apologize. I wanted to enjoy Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt. I love the Borderlands 2 base game, I liked Captain Scarlett and the Badass Crater of Badassitude as narrated by Mr. Torgue might be my favorite piece of DLC released all of last year. Coming off of that high, Hammerlock had a lot to live up to, and he just couldn’t do it. READ MORE