Marco Ortega

Xtreme Gaming

September 3, 2004

Almost a year ago, Pickle invited me to check out a LAN CafA

Sudeki Giveaway!!

September 3, 2004

Before I begin with todays giveaway, allow me to announce the winner. The winner of yesterdays prize was Whoa, he will be receiving the MOH Warchest which comes with MOH Allied Assault and both expansions. Now onward with the giving of cool stuff.

Todays giveaway is actually pretty considering the game just came out like several weeks ago. Todays prize is a copy of Sudeki. I know alot of folks on the site who really like this game, so you won’t be let down. Todays challenge should be pretty simple this time. This is a topic very dear to my heart, so here we go. Good Luck!!

Who introduced me (Pretz) to the Xbox, and what was the first game I played on it??

Hint: The answer is somewhere on the site.

For those of you who have already won a prize, please restrain yourselves from posting an answer. *Cough*Crog*Cough*

Gold Month!!

September 3, 2004

Just a little news update, Star Wars Battlefront and Call of Duty United Offensive have both gone gold!! This is a big month for gaming folks. Just a reminder that Fable, Star Wars Battlefront, Shellshock Nam’67, and Call of Duty Expansion are being released later this month. The list will only get better as November creeps up on us, so stay tuned!!!

Day 1 Weiner!!

September 2, 2004

Good Morning to all you faithful Snackbarians out there!! This is Day 2 of The Midweek Pretzel Rules Snackbar Giveaway. But before I begin on the next giveaway, allow me to announce the weiner. Congratulations to Underscore for answering correctly. Crog your still the man!! The answer to my question was Morgan Webb!! She is most definitely the raddest chick in gaming!!

I want to make two announcements in regards to the giveaway. We are extending the giveaway until Monday of next week. On Monday we will be giving away an EB gift card valued at $49.99, courtesy of Pickle. We here at SB love all of you dearly. We would love to give all of you games everyday. Unfortunately, we can’t, so in order for everyone to have a fair chance at the nice gifts. Recent winners will not be eligible to win until next months contest and giveaways.

Todays gift will be The Medal of Honor Allied Assault War Chest. The challenge for today will be:

Please name each Snackbar Crew’s #1 gaming rig of choice. First person to submit and guess right wins. Remember there are 4 of us, so pick one rig for each SB Crew member. Good Luck!!

SB Crew:
Dots, Pretz, Pickle, Cone

Rigs of choice:
Xbox, Playstation 2, Gamecube, or PC.

To kick off The Midweek Pretz rules Snackbar I will be giving away a Blue LED Fan for your PC, a copy of Medal of Honor Spearhead, and last but not least a copy of Sudeki. So let the games begin. This opportunity for me only comes once a millenium, so I thought I would take advantage of it and show much love for my peeps!!!

Rules are as follows. Today through Friday one prize will be given away. Today I will be giving away the LED fan, Thursday will be MOH, and Friday will be Sudeki. The first person to answer correctly to my questions will get the prizes. My first question to start the games is:

Who do I (Pretz) think is the hottest Gaming Chick of all time?

Hints: She is a real person. I have posted about her in the forums and on the front page of our site.

Good Luck!!