From the entire Snackbar Crew, we want to say thank you to all of the brave soldiers who are fighting on the dark corners of the globe. We also want to remember all of the Veterans and fallen soldiers who fought serving our country. God Bless You All!!
Seems like LIVE is extending itself to MSN Messenger. A new update for Xbox LIVE will integrate MSN Messenger within your Xbox LIVE account. MSN Messenger will allow you to see your friends list on LIVE and who is gaming. It will give you alert updates, and game invites. The alerts will also be sent to any of your mobile devices that have MSN capabilities, email, or anything MSN. If you want more info check out
Yes folks, tonight should be a great night to fight in the bush. Pickle, Crog, Khaine, and the rest of the SB Dynasty should be ruling the jungle this evening. Remember folks, you can also join the fight by getting your copy of BF Vietnam at your nearest EB Games. BF Vietnam has been dominating the PC realm as of late, the hype is all true so mix it in getting a copy. Hit us up on Teamspeak, all the server info is in the forums. -Out
Lately I have been reading alot about the sequel to KOTOR, and I have to say it is giving me an itch to start all over again on the first one. I’m sure most of you have already seen the screenshots at the Lucas Arts site, if not check it out they look sweet.
Not like I have to tell you guys but, EA is dropping the hammer this year with an all new Battlefield series coming out for PC and PS2. Not only that, EA is going all out by teaming up with Xbox Live which is very a smart move on their behalf. Not to mention they are totally riding the wave of success with The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth and LOTR: The Third Age. E3 news is happening here at Snackbar so stay tuned.
After much anticipation, I decided to try out City of Heroes. The past few months I have spent reading about the games potential and the breakthrough gameplay that it will house. I have to say that this game really delivers. This is my first experience playing an MMO, and it is really addictive. Pickle and I put our heads together to create a hero that I could see my self playing. So far, I have reached to leveling up my hero to 6 and it’s still a work in progress. So for those of you wondering if it’s worth trying, wonder no more. The graphics, the gameplay, and the different heroes you can create are magnificent.