Marco Ortega


October 20, 2003

[floatleft][/floatleft]Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Pretzel and I am proud to say that I am in love with Halo. I can remember my first experience playing Halo… it feels like it was just yesterday. Ah, staying up till wee hours of the morning with some Jack in the Box tacos and jumbo jacks sitting next to me. Yes, my life has never been the same since those times. The SB Crew was there in full effect that night, wasted and kicking major ass online. Of course, everything since then, is pretty much history. Needless to say, a few months after I got an Xbox with Halo I thought to myself “this is the game to end all games”. When I first heard that Microsoft was making Halo for the PC, I was in total shock. I was thinking to myself that they would destroy Halo’s thunder on the Xbox and the entire Halo experience. I read reviews, articles with the makers, and related columns about the upcoming Halo for PC. The anticipation to play Halo on my PC began to grow as the date neared. Without a doubt, this was a game I had to get. Let me just tell you straight up that getting Halo PC is one of the best purchases of all time.


Yes, playing Halo online is so freaking intense it’s not even funny. The level of intensity has risen like a mofo!! The six new maps are much bigger, but much more fun to maneuver during battle. CTF battles become more of a challenge, and spawn camping is very rare on these new maps and sniping whores are rarely encountered due to the massive carnage. You just don’t have time to snipe! Why you ask? Well first off, battles are always conducted in multiple places, and trust me there is more than one battle happening too. Secondly, the maps are way too big! What really rules about the new maps are the bases. The bases are much bigger and much more accessible. This means that standing guard can be a pain some times if you don’t have enough teammates. Now you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Huge maps are a pain to maneuver in”, not if your driving one of two new vehicles! Yes that’s right two new vehicles! A sports edition Warthog that is complete with a mounted rocket launcher. Let me just add, this Warthog is completely tricked out with sweet racing stripes and matching interior. Another method of causing mass destruction and getting around in style is flying in an all new Covenant Banshee. That’s right Master Chief has gone aerial on you freaking noobs!! If you noobs don’t know what a Banshee is then I suggest you get with the freaking program. Everyone has been waiting to get in these bad boys in multiplayer mode. Of course you can still find your classic machine gun mounted Warthog, Ghost and a Scorpion tank. Trust me these vehicles are still great to get in and cause chaos.


Two new weapons are added to your arsenal of mass destruction. The new weapons include the long rumored stylish flame thrower and the Covenant Fuel Rod Gun (AKA Alien Rocket Launcher). You are also given the option to install Covenant stationary gunner positions in the multiplayer maps. These come in handy if you encounter Banshee whores. These are great additions to an already kick butt arsenal of shotguns, rocket launchers, sniping pistols, machine guns, and tons of Covenant weapons. Take your pick of which weapon either way you are going to get OWNED!!

[floatright][/floatright][heading]Rolling with the Punches[/heading]

It was a huge adjustment for me to go from a joystick to mouse and keyboard. The great thing is you can customize your command buttons o your preference. It took me quite some time to get use to the controls because they are pretty frustrating at times. Reaction times are little slower and battle tactics are much more rusty, but in time you adapt and grow much more quickly with the gameplay. I must say that playing a FPS on a PC has become much more appealing to me than it has on console. Moving on…

[heading]Scenic Route[/heading]

The graphics are very well detailed in this version of the game. Gearbox did a great job porting this game over to the PC. The colors and the scenery of the levels are very crisp and clean with great depth. There were a lot rough spots that have been smoothed out, such as boundaries that are hard to move over are now much easier to get over. Bullets hitting the ground pick up dirt along with the vehicles, and weapons draw smoke. Some parts of these new levels cause massive clipping when turning sharp corners in the Warthog and some pixilation is formed in the water when looked at from a distance. Hopefully, these are isolated occurrences and not typical of everyone’s experience. Vehicles are much more detailed and you can see the small imperfections and age of the vehicles. I love the look of these new Warthogs by the way. I just can’t get over how awesome the sport edition looks. Unlike the Warthog, the Covenant Banshee has its ups and downs. When operating a Covenant Banshee you can only go so high above ground. Mind you, you are pretty high up there, but it seems that you cannot go above a certain altitude which sucks. It does have a great way of attacking those on the ground, but it doesn’t make up for the reload times of its rockets. Same goes for the Scorpions’ and Warthogs’ reload times. They take so freaking long to reload its unbelievable.

[heading]Same ‘Ol Master Chief[/heading]

[floatleft][/floatleft]Yes that’s right folks no major improvements or additions to the campaign mode of the game. Besides the graphics looking much better I have noticed a small improvement in the games AI. Enemies seem to be reacting much quicker. If you decide to fire upon a squad of grunts they will just run, find some cover, and start a base of fire in your direction. Other than spotting that small improvement, I really have not seen any major additions or improvements to Halo that would make want to play the campaign over the multiplayer.

Overall, I really enjoy Halo and the transfer they made to the PC. I have heard many negative comments and very little positive comments about the port. I, for one, give Halo PC two thumbs up for a job well done and staying true to the experience. If you love FPS on PC then I suggest getting Halo PC solely for its multiplayer. The campaign mode on Halo is no different from its Xbox version, so don’t bother, but the multiplayer mode is fantastic with all kinds of intense CTF and Death match action. I suggest all you freaking noobs out there to get online and try this one out.

My fellow Snackbarians, I have good news and I have bad news. I’m sure you want to go ahead and hear the bad news first. So here we go. The bad news is the most obvious… its Monday! The good news is… it’s time for me to give you a quick rewind of last week’s drama in the gaming world. I know what you’re thinking, but before you start jumping to any conclusions, let me just tell you that this week will go by super fast. Trust me! I got two words for ya! HALO PC! Yeah, that’s right! Once you get Halo PC there is no turning back. I mean I have been logging more time into this game than I have for MOH or BF 1942 combined. I have been playing non-stop online and getting the word out about our site. Getting the word out? Yeah, everytime I come in the top four after every game, I throw a little “CHECK OUT SNACKBAR-GAMES.COM” on the chat screen. And trust me, when I’m playing I am always in the top four.

So let’s get the obvious out of the way; Halo PC was released this past Wednesday, and apparently has been doing really well in sales nation wide. After much anticipation, the game was released with online multiplayer capabilities, new maps, new vehicles and new weapons. The mass carnage of CTF and SLAYER have taken over online play like freaking crazy. Make sure you folks stop by your local EB Games to get your copy of Halo PC.

In other news, mass chaos hit Valve when a source code for the popular upcoming game Half Life 2 was leaked and posted all over the net. It seems that this problem will affect the original release date of Half Life 2 to be pushed to later this year.

Vivendi has announced they have completed development of their upcoming title Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death. The game should hit store shelves later this month.

Sometime this week in Tokyo, Sony will unveil the PSX. The PSX is Sony’s first attempt at a media hub featuring DVD burning, TiVo style show recording, as well as the ability to play PS2 games. Its release is planned for Japan in 2004. No word yet on an American release of the product.

It seems that Nintendo posted its first loss last week. Nintendo blames the loss in profit because of poor sales from the Gamecube. Hopefully the recent price cut of the Gamecube will stimulate a rise in sales.

Apparently ATI has been having better luck than Nintendo lately, announcing earnings of 23 million dollars in revenue for the quarter. Nintendo’s next console as well as Xbox 2 will house ATI graphics chipsets, in addition to ATI being the preferred chip for Half Life 2.

Ubi Soft released a multiplayer demo for its upcoming cell-shaded FPS “XIII”. The multiplayer demo was released for download for the PC, but has not been released for other consoles. Let’s hope they release a playable demo for the Xbox!

In SB News, Cone and Dots finally finished Voodoo Vince and are now getting started on Evil Dead. So expect a review on Evil Dead in the near future. Freaking Ash is intense!! My homeboy Pickle has said a farewell to one of the NWN servers, I’m sure he is going through some withdrawals. Pickle is also on a massive rampage with Final Fantasy so expect some reviews from him as well. As for me, I have been heavily engulfed with Halo PC and Freedom Fighters. I had my doubts about Freedom Fighters, but let me be the first one to tell you… IT’S FREAKING INTENSE!! Well Snackbarians, that’s it for me. I’m Pretzel and I’m out!

What is it about FPS military games that just grab my attention? I mean really, is it the graphics? Is it the excitement seeing myself in the shoes of that character? Quite simply it’s both. If you have been here at Snackbar since the beginning, then you would know I’m the biggest FPS fan in the world. My judgment of FPS games, are strictly based on several different levels of reality. In the case of Ghost Recon series, you should know that I did the review on the first Ghost Recon release for the Xbox. That was actually one of the first times I have ever been exposed to the whole FPS squad management type genre. And as you can tell from the first review, I really enjoyed playing it. Now since this is my second time around with Ghost Recon, I expected many improvements since it’s first release on the Xbox. With average graphics, fun game play, great A.I., and really outstanding sound, I just could not think of way how Ubi Soft could top the first one.

Each Ghost Recon has a setting and a story to it. The first Ghost Recon on the Xbox took place in Moscow in the year 2008. The story behind this conflict was Ultranationalists were seizing power in Moscow to restore the old Soviet Empire. The Ghost, a special elite squad of Green Berets, were sent in to Moscow to restore order before a global war erupted. In the next installation to the Ghost Recon series, called Island Thunder. The story begins in the year 2010 in Havana, Cuba. Castro is dead and his heirs have not been able to maintain the Communist regime. A small hope for a democracy rises as the interim President promises free elections, and asks for international aid to protect the elections from being destroyed. Many factions in Cuba do not want to see a democracy, therefore rising and creating mass chaos to overthrow the interim President. The Ghost, have been dispatched once again to suppress any rise against the Cuba elections. I thought it to be very interesting to know that both stories deal with the rise of Communism.

Your platoon is divided into two squads of three, Alpha and Bravo. It is up to you to equip your team with the proper personnel and gear to successfully complete each mission. If you don’t know what to choose, then usually the computer will give you an indication whether or not you’re missing something before entering a mission. You have the option of picking from rifleman, demolition experts, snipers, and support. Each can be custom equipped with a light or heavy arsenal. If you’re like me, then you will equip all your men with everything you can. That’s just me; I like causing mass destruction in every mission. For each mission that you complete, you unlock better soldiers and better weapons. I personally hate to lose a man during a campaign, so I find myself restarting missions just to keep all my men alive. Although, I do allow them to sustain wounds, which is ok considering they’ll be awarded a purple heart after the mission. The only flaw is you have to sit them out for a mission, in order for them to regain full health again. The menu options to set up your squads can be a little difficult to function to begin with, but it gets easier as you progress. Once you begin a campaign you are thrown straight into the fire. Something notable that Ubi Soft did this time around was increasing the level of difficulty by a significant amount. Mind you, I am a pretty good FPS squad based player. I mean it literally took
e hours to complete the first of four missions. With that in mind, in order to not overwhelm you with such difficulty they decided to add better weapons and flexible movements per squad. What I mean by that is, if your like me and would rather split your squads up in a mission you really want your men to be able to execute those commands as accurate as possible. Whether you want your squads to recon, assault, or suppress an area those options are given to you under command mode. I find this function to be very helpful when you want to cover great deals of territory in each mission.

Let me transition to Island Thunders controlling mechanics. In order to be a successful FPS squad based player like myself, you must be efficient and patient with your squads. I like taking my time in order not to get my men killed. I really take each mission seriously, as if I was in combat myself. Shooting is very basic with the right trigger, and switching weapon mods, night vision, and reloading all can be done with your X, Y, A and B buttons. Crouching is simple with your directional pad, and zooming is done by pressing down on your right toggle stick. Now comes the difficult part to the game. Commanding your troops within a mission can be a pain if you are not careful. One good thing about this game is that it gives you a training level that talks you through how to command your troops within a mission. This can be tricky especially if both your squads are under attack. It’s obvious, the more you play the game the more you tend to use the command function in a mission. Using this function helps me so much during a mission, I can’t imagine not having it. This allows me to split my squads up and do more damage on opposite sides of the map, along with accomplishing my objectives much faster.

Game play is a huge factor that I take into account in a game. The first Ghost Recon had repetitive objectives to accomplish mission after mission. Island Thunder mixes its objectives around like defending a voting house, taking over command posts, finding intelligence, finding and protecting hostages. Island Thunder really made things difficult with not allowing you to have one friendly casualty in your squad or outside your squad. That really can get annoying sometimes. The game really draws you in with being able to out strategize the enemy. You start asking questions like: What will happen if I flank him to the right? Or should I hold this position until the other squad gets over the hill? I mean, real questions that can make or break your mission. Then of course comes the fun and exciting part of just plain blood shed. These guys drop like a sack of potatoes when you snipe them from afar, or when you get point blank on them. Either way they all lay in a pool of blood when you’re finished with them. Their bodies actually stay there throughout the entire mission. The bodies don’t disappear like they do in other games.

Island Thunders A.I. improved drastically this time around. The enemy is way more responsive to your movements and tactics. They don’t stand there for hours just to return fire. Most of the time, if they hear something in your direction they just start unloading. If they see you before you see them, they call for reinforcements. And let me tell you, you don’t want that. These guys have gone mobile with machine gun mounted trucks pouring out with squads of men. Stealth is a must if you want to keep your men alive. Your men can take care of themselves with out your help of course. I have gone missions where I have not gotten one kill because my men do all the killing. I find that hard to g

rasp, but its true. The A.I. is much more responsive with a shorter reaction times and better accuracy. I was really impressed with the improvements this time around in Ghost Recon. Unfortunately, it still frustrates me to know that when my men get shot and call for a medic, I can’t help them. In the next Ghost Recon they should include medics to go with the squads. Another unfortunate aspect of the game was the environment. I like games where the environment changes in weather and scenery. If I happen to be launching a grenade to some commies in a building, then I expect the building to have a huge gapping whole by the time I’m done with it. Only several times did I see bullet holes on surfaces after shooting at them. I did shoot out a few tires, which I thought was the only cool destructive thing I did besides kill commies. My word to Ubi Soft is to make destructive environments, more interactive objectives, and add some medics and vehicles to boot.

The graphics dynamics sure did not change from the first Ghost Recon. The environment still had invisible walls you would run into when trying to go up a hill. Grass, mountains, and water were flat and edgy with no detail and definition. The surfaces of all those areas looked like plywood or cardboard. Although the colors were much more colorful considering that it was in the tropical jungle. Buildings, soldiers, and men were much more detailed. The soldiers and civilians had detailed features with better face contours and a variety of looks. I personally like rounded environments with better lighting and detailed surfaces. Most of the missions were in foggy, humid areas which I thought looked great but you couldn’t see five feet in front of you. Island Thunder had very little night missions, so I could not judge the lighting and shadows. But it did have improved thunder and lightning effects. In addition to the graphical improvements, Island Thunder raised the bar from the first Ghost Recon with improved sound. Small detailed sounds such as crickets, wind, plants swaying, and drops of water falling on your head. Thunder and lightning was timed a lot better with different intervals and sounds, better dialogue, weapon sounds, echoes, whispers and city sounds. All was improved with a variety of sounds and noises in their given environment. Island Thunder does give the option of gaming in Dolby Digital, if you like playing at insanely high volumes.

Overall, this game was a great buy for me. I anticipated this game to be much better than the first Ghost Recon and it was. I was able to play Live a few times, and it was just as entertaining as the first was on Live except different maps and weapons. I really enjoyed playing hours and hours of Island Thunder because it gave me the reality of combat through tactics and management. And of course it’s an FPS so what do you expect. If you really enjoy playing squad based management games, then this will really do it for you. If you hate that kind of thing then at least try the Live game play where you can just go all out without the responsibility of managing your troops. Truly a keeper for me, I suggest trying it out. Cheers!

It’s time to get jiggy folks. You know me, Mad Wanksta Pretzel giving you beautiful people out there in the gaming world a rewind of last week. On a more personal note, I just want to express to all you Snackbarians out there how much you guys rule. Without you guys we would be nothing! The great thing about this week was that alot of great things happened to me gaming wise. And I also have a bone to pick with other online gaming sites. Before I can get to that juicy stuff let me go ahead and get the obvious boring news out of the way.

The obvious news is that “Rockstar” is releasing GTA 3 and GTA Vice City in a double pack for the Xbox this autumn. Personally I think Xbox should have said the hell with GTA. So anyways, for you GTA lovers make sure you reserve your copies of that. Please folks don’t get to excited.I mean don’t all run to the stores now and reserve your copies.

The hype is building as Halo PC’s release date gets closer. I have been reading nothing but Halo PC stuff lately. At first I was a little hesitant about getting it. Mind you I’m the biggest Halo fan out there. But only on Xbox. But since I have just converted to being a PC gamer, I am now rethinking my past decisions. I’m sure the hype will continue to build as the end of the month draws near. All I have to say is, massive LANING!!

Oh yeah baby, new screens are up for “Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough”. Again, I have to say that I am one insane die hard MOH fan. The series are freaking awesome. I am actually very excited to see them adding more expansions to the series before jumping to the Pacific side of the series. Speaking of which I will be all over that series when it’s released. I swear if you were to look at my library of games for my systems, all you could find is WWII FPS or just FPS.

Ok folks, I know most of you hit it hard when the week starts. You know, work, school all that stuff that you have to do. Then when that stuff is done you want to get your gaming on. Or if your like me you want to find out what is going on in the gaming world 24/7. Well for the longest time I have been pissed off at the online gaming news industry, for always shutting down at five O’clock on Friday. I mean, I don’t know about you but the weekend is the best time when I get some great gaming time in. So I surf the web during the weekend to see what’s hot, and also to see some fresh news updates. Well much to Pretzel’s dismay, it will not be updated until Monday morning. I mean come on people, the gaming world does not sleep. It should run constantly 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Is that to much to ask for? We here at Snackbar will not let you down if you want some fresh gaming jazz 24/7.

TO DA HOUSE BABY!! That’s where I took my copy of Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII last Thursday. I was so pumped to take it home and play it until 3 in the morning. WOW!! All I have to say is mobile spawning point. There is nothing better than to be spawning over enemy territory and parachuting to kill some Nazi’s. Make sure you guys stop buy and get your copy. Pickle and I should have a review up pretty soon. I’m still working on beating Ghost Recon: Island Thunder so I can get a review up on that. But this game is taking up to much of my time.

On Friday “Electrocity” ope
ned up for it’s beta testing of its game center here in Houston. I am proud to say that my good friend Fernando Maldonado is the owner of the LAN center. The place houses 25 PC’s with an Xbox station to get some HALO action in. It also carries a screaming fast T1 line to get the best quality of gaming in. You can also choose a variety of games such as Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike, Rainbow Six, Medal of Honor, plus alot more. I am already spending mad cash gaming there, so expect me to be daily with bells on. The place looks great, and its just a great atmosphere to be in. They will be having a huge lock in about three weeks from now. And yes, yours truly will be there. Make sure you guys stop by if your in the area, and tell them that Snackbar sent ya.

Well my fellow Snackbarians, stay tuned for more action packed WIR’s in the near future. I know Pickle has some great things to tell you peeps. I mean he always has something to say. I’m OUT!!

Why is it that every time I hear about a game I have to got out and buy it before trying it out first? I don’t know, maybe I’m just a freak and an impulsive buyer. A while back a friend of mine told me to check out Devil May Cry 2, just for the plain reason that it kicked major ass. Well I was never into the first one that much so I didn’t give it much thought. But because I’m a freak like that I just went ahead and bought it. Well I am here to tell you that I am glad that I made that purchase. This game is full of massive demon slaying and crazy game play.

Let me give you a quick rundown of the games story line. You are a famed demon slayer named Dante that possesses the power of the strongest demon and the toughest street thug. You and Lucia, a fellow demon slayer, have to rid the world of the oncoming invasion of demons and all kinds of hellish creatures. You’re armed with a massive sword that can lop creature’s domes off with just a swing. Or if that doesn’t do it for you, then you can always use your automatic pistols that fire magic bullets. If you are asking if that’s all the weapons you get, don’t fret, throughout the game you get plenty more. Starting out playing the game you really need to know how to use your weapons to take out your enemy quickly. Your weapons are not that powerful to begin with, but during each level you can use these orbs that you collect to upgrade the power of your weapons. Orbs come in different colors, so each color can help you in many ways. The more you collect the better. So look out for those orb thingys. At the end of each level you have to face a boss. So if these weapons aren’t helping you take out the bosses then you can always transform into a magic demon that inflicts more damage than your normal self. Your magic demon self can either fly or run abnormally fast. In order to transform yourself into a flying or running demon, you have to collect an amulet. That amulet determines which demon you transform into, and each demon has a powerful strategy of fighting. You only have a few seconds of using your magic demon, so use it wisely. Again, the orbs and devil stars help you gain more magic devil time. The more stars and orbs, the longer you can be a demon. If you want to see how your doing on health and magic demon time, gauges will be provided for you at the top left of your screen. The great thing about this game is that on every level there are tons of health orbs and other helpful stuff along the way. This game really helps you out as you get further and further. Because of the different colored orbs, stars, weapons, and the such, the game will pause and always let you know what you have just acquired and how you can use it.

As a demon slayer you are probably thinking, “Well damn I need to do some really cool tricks to fight these things off right?” Well you do. The controls are a big factor to be able to kill tons of demons at one time. Being able to do combos with your acrobatic moves and using two weapons at one time is crucial. It’s obvious that your not going to be a pro in doing combos at once, so as you progress in killing demons you start getting creative. The more creative you get, the better the stylish combo points you get. My favorite move is the rainstorm. In this move you jump really high then turn your body like you were diving back down, but then you use your guns to shoot the enemy from above. Th
the name comes from the fact that you are releasing a rainstorm of bullets on your enemy’s head. There are plenty of other cool moves that you can do with both characters. This then leads me to the fact that the controls are insane in this game. I had to look at the manual dozens of times just to get some of the combos down. Your analog sticks and your directional pad can be used to move and strafe. Pulling out your weapons and using them are pretty basic along with jumping and evading. These movements can be executed with your shape buttons. Getting into the combos is what really threw me off the freaking wall. I mean I wish I had a freaking third hand to help me out sometimes. Combining the top buttons with the directional pad and the shape buttons, I mean seriously… that’s a lot of work. This is one game that I really needed to continue to play just to get use to the controls. I’m still not used to them.

The game has some major flaws to it during game play. One thing that annoyed the crap out me was the camera angles. You have no control as to how the camera will frame your shot as you try and battle demons. So many obstructions get in the way if you move from your centered shot. Sometimes it will cut between a birdseye view to a close up if you move an inch. Because this game involves demons, castles, cults, and the such, then it’s simple enough to say that this game will have a dark overtone to it. This game is nothing but dark. I felt like I was in a Dracula film playing this game, which leaves the colors in the game to be dark and real mushy with no definition. Each level there are boundaries that are set up in certain locations. These boundaries block you from jumping onto ledges, buildings, or other things that might help you. It’s pretty much like running into an invisible wall. I hate that so much because it just cheapens your AI environment. Speaking of AI, the enemies AI is horrible. It takes them decades to fight back once you have destroyed half of their buddies. Again I was disappointed to see that part of the game being so unfulfilling. Going down the same lines of killing off massive amounts of demons, let me just add that once you start fighting, the music gets really intense and heavy which I liked. I would have to say the sound did not play a major factor in this game whatsoever. Fighting one of the first bosses sounded like a looping scratched record. It was quite horrifying hearing this monster screech. The sound was pitiful and very annoying. Ok Capcom, feel free to create more elaborate sounds for your hellish creatures in your Foley studios next time.

Overall, the game is a decent entertaining hack and slash game. It does get involving at times, but then it becomes very repetitive level after level. The more I upgraded my character the cooler things I did. The game does get challenging on each level like every game should. The numbers of demons just increase level after level with no creativity involved, and that’s when it gets repetitive. But I must say the game was entertaining and I really enjoyed spending some sleepless nights on it. I really thought a demon slayer with two guns who can jump off walls and do all kinds of cool tricks while killing the masses was sweet. Try this game out if you just want some old fashion hack and slash action. I’m Pretzel… peace out!!