Marco Ortega

Tune In!

September 13, 2005

Episode 7 is up! You can check it out [url=]here[/url]. It should be up on itunes here within the week. Sorry about the delay things have been a little crazy. Please enjoy!

Call for Emails!

August 11, 2005

Hey Everyone just a quick reminder to send your emails in for tomorrow nights podcast. We would love to hear what you have to say about anything. If you want to talk about some forum news, something you didn’t like about a certain game, or just plain feedback on the podcast. We would love to hear what you have to say. Send them to myself or to Pickle, and you will get your emails read over the podcast. Thanks for the support and keep on listening.

To all Snackbarians!! Just a reminder to get your emails in to Pickle or myself for the next SB Podcast! We want to hear what you have to say, and we will definitely get on the air! Just chime in with any questions or comments on the topic of gaming or anything related! We should have the Podcast up by the start of next week so stay tuned for that.

Send your emails to:


BF2: Special Forces

July 13, 2005

WTF!!! Battlefield is just getting cooler and cooler by the second. EA and DICE will be releasing an expansion to BF2 in the fall, that will revolve around special forces. The addition of new maps, weapons, gadgets, new environments and elements will be added to the chaos. Night maps along with night vision will be among the new elements in the BF2 world. I am very excited about this and so is the crew here at SB. We will be hopping on this for sure.

Snackbar Podcast

July 6, 2005

To all Snackbarians! Snackbar is branching out, and we have decided to do a Snackbar Games podcast. We want all of you to also be a part of it as well. Without you our site is nothing! In our podcast we will hold a segment for all of you entitled emails. These emails can have questions, statements, etc., whatever you want concerning gaming but just keep it clean. We will then select the most interesting emails and read them during the segment. If any of you are interested in sending in emails please direct them to Pickle or myself at the following addresses. Remember keep it clean and make it interesting. We will announce when our podcast is up and running. For more info on getting podcasts check out

Send emails to: