There’s a word that’s stuck out in most reviews of Warhammer 40K: Space Marine. That word is “uneventful”. We’re not sure that’s an apt word at all. Plenty happens in Space Marine, and it was able to hold our attention all the way through to the end. It’s true that the gameplay in Space Marine doesn’t quite evolve as much as we’d like it to, though. What you’re doing at the beginning of the game is very similar to what you’re doing toward the end. Does that make this a bad game? Not necessarily. Do other elements make it a bad game, though? READ MORE
Matthew Jay
Jay Button: Where have all the weird games gone?
October 13, 2011
Features / Jay Button / by Matthew Jay
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This is a subject I think about a lot. As you can see by my past posts, I have decidedly eccentric tastes. Over the years, my gaming palette has gotten broader and broader, as my mind opened to newer and weirder games. Unfortunately, the amount of weird games being released has had the opposite trajectory. READ MORE
I’ve pontificated in the past about my love for the licensed game, as well as my willingness to come to its defense in the perspective of game history. Plenty of great games have been based on existing properties, but get lost to the winds of time due to rights issues. They can also get bogged down by the sheer amount of games based on that property. Such is the case for Scooby-Doo Mystery on Sega Genesis. There have been tons of games based on the Scooby-Doo franchise, but I’d venture to say this may be the only good one. Things are even further confusing for this game as it’s not even the only one with that title. READ MORE
Jay Button: Why we don’t need a Shenmue sequel
September 29, 2011
Features / Jay Button / by Matthew Jay
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Last week I wrote about Square Enix’s decision to re-release Final Fantasy X over remaking Final Fantasy VII. My reasoning for this: an HD update of a PS2 game would be way easier than remaking a PS1 game, as it wasn’t a full rebuild. A day after the post went up, Square announced that Final Fantasy X on Vita was in fact a full remake using the Final Fantasy XIII engine. My post was rendered completely moot, and it seems that yes, maybe Square does in fact want to just mess with its fans.There’s a whole other post about why I think the company made that decision and I’m still vaguely on their side, but that’s for another time. The whole thing did get me thinking about games we should probably just stop asking for. READ MORE
During TGS, Sony held a press conference about its plans for the Japanese game market in the next year. Of course, most of what was shown was heavily focused on their new handheld console, the Vita. Despite Sony’s stream crashing, forcing many of us to find another venue to watch without English subtitles, I was able to enjoy the whole thing. And even though 90% of it was people talking about things that aren’t video games, I was very pleased with what I’d seen. READ MORE