Mike Carabajal


October 7, 2005

The hell is going on over there. I love viral marketing, if that is the case here. Either way keep an eye on this. The date on the images (that include characters from BOTH Starcraft and Warcraft) is today. So we will see if this updates anytime soon. Your guess is as good as mine.


New Bioware RPG

October 4, 2005

After seeing the trailer for Mass Effect you will know just as much about the game as I do. Which is to say PREORDER!

[url=http://masseffect.bioware.com/]Mass Effect Website[/url]

Podcast Update

October 3, 2005

Hey guys, we are currently getting a new office/studio space for our podcasts, so what Pretz and I decided to do was take our 2 week break now. We apologize to those of you that love listening, however once we come back we will have a new format that will make it to where we dont have to do these 2 week breaks. Pretz and I and the rest of the crew are going to brainstorm hard about how we can improve the show, we want to bring something new to the table. We want to offer something no other cast on the net does. So please send us your emails and takes on the show, including what you would do if you were us to make this bad boy shine. Remember, this is your show.


September 29, 2005

Episode 10 (damn we have done ten already) will be recorded on Friday, and since it’s the tenth we will be taking a 2 week break from the podcast. However this time when we come back we will have new formating and hopefully a new show for you guys too. The crew is still brainstorming how to come back with a bang, but dont you kids worry, we WILL be back. Either way get those emails pouring in, and keep them clean (WAMPA I’m looking in your direction).

Kingdom Under Fire Heros

September 24, 2005

This is one hell of a game my friends. Not only is it just as great as the first one, its better. Xbox Live mode is amazing to play a battle against friends (though ready and waiting are people who power leveled to romp you). So join us in the fun my gamertag is SBpic.

In case your wondering, this is one of those games that you BUY!