Mike Carabajal

No more hot coffee!

August 10, 2005

Yeah, for those of you kids out there that dont want to see any sex in your GTA SA games (you only want to kill a bunch of people with chainsaws and gang bang) you can download the new patch and make sure its gone. So you know…

Rockstar sucks.

Source: [url=http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/08/09/news_6130613.html]Gamespot[/url]

Columbine Like!?

August 3, 2005

Post on Fox News describes the new Rockstar Games video game Bully, as “Columbine like”. Lets get this straight first, I am not sure if in this game you get to kill other students or anything like that, from what I have read so far I don’t think so (but Rockstar is a bunch of #$*@*$*!#* so I wouldn’t be surprised). Either way to compare it to the horrific acts of Columbine is just irresponsible. God I hate the media and its view on video games.

[url=http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,164584,00.html]Fox News[/url]

Podcast III

August 2, 2005

Get your DL on and check out the MP3 here. Cone will get the rss feed and all that techie stuff ready for the podcast agitators out there.

Download: [url=http://www.snackbar-games.com/podcast/sb.podcast.4.2005.08.01.mp3]Podcast Ep III[/url]

King of all media

August 2, 2005

I don’t like to toot my own horn or anything, ut in the span of seven days, yours truly has been on T.V., the internet, and over the airwaves. That’s right I am the new king of all media, and I am having the best week ever pimping Snackbar, and Xtreme Gaming Cyber Cafe. I just thought you cats would want to know.

In SB news, Cone is mapping the content for the podcast so expect that up today. Also I just played, errr beat the crap out of Tiger Woods 05, so expect a review up, and of course a new podcast will be ready for you guys next week so get those emails in.

Looks like God of War will get the movie treatment. Brought to you by the good people at Universal. Dear powers that be, keep Dr. Boll away from this. Actually keep Dr. Boll away from everything.

Source: [url=http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/637/637274p1.html]IGN[/url]