Mike Carabajal

Podcast Emails

July 28, 2005

You know the drill. We are doing another podcast this weekend, and we will be talking about Video Game Violence again! That’s right we couldn’t get all our takes in one segment so it got split up into two shows. So get your takes in, your funny resets, or whatever.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Community Vibe

July 26, 2005

We have once again teamed up with the Xtreme Gaming Cyber Cafe here in town to take on the nation and defend our titles in Battlefield 2. So wish us luck, it is going to be a hard season, and everyone is gunning for us.

Thanks alot for all the great feedback and emails on the podcasts, we have another one coming up next week so keep the emails coming.

Uh yeah, disregard the title of this post. However kidos we do need some more emails for this week’s podcast. Although we need regular emails, we also need emails regarding your take on “Violence in Gaming”. Keep them clean and make them nice and to the point. We want to read your take on that during our segment this week. It’s a tough issue to tackle so we want your help.

Keep it real yo.

Battlefield 2

July 13, 2005

[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/battlefield2/cover.jpg[/floatleft]Holy crap, let’s just get this out of the way. The funny thing about this review is that this game is such an easy game to likeA

Why wait!?

July 11, 2005

We are so pumped about it. We are also getting it ready for broadcast on Itunes but why wait. We got your hookup right now.