In order to check out our new pod cast you will need to get Itunes. Its a free download available for PC and Mac. So download this bad boy so you can hear us yap.
We will let you know when we get this up and running.
Ok so we are trying new things, hell this online world has lots of opportunity to use cool technology to get your voice heard. Pretz had the idea to do a podcast, then got me excited to do it. So this weekend we will do a pilot show, see how it goes. It either sucks, or rules, but we wont know till we try right? Anyways I have an idea for the part of the show where we read your emails. Shoot me your thoughts on violence in video games, and who is responsible to keep youngsters from playing violent stuff.
Shoot either Pretz or me the email. Holler back kidos.
[url=]IGN[/url] has a fresh pic of the BFG that will appear in the upcoming Doom Movie. All I know is that the movie stars the Rock and the Rock rules. Call me a mark for the People’s Champion, or what have you. Don’t expect the English Patient or anything, but it should be an entertaining flick.
Snackbar is from San Antonio, the same city as the NBA Champions San Antonio Spurs. Memo to all sports talk guys around the country: Eat it. You loud mouth know it alls call the Spurs soft, weak, heartless, and then turn 180 when they win it all and call them full of class, like a team should be. The Spurs are EVERYTHING that is right with sports, a team full of character and role models. Eat crow, and give us our damn belts!
This is easily going to be the best multiplayer game ever created. We test drove the demo this weekend, and it is everything it should be and more. Expect team XG and Snackbar to defend our National I Games Championship (we need belts for that).
If you want to join our games the crew will have IP listings up as well as our TeamSpeak Server up and running. Info in the Battlefield Forums baby.