Happy belated birthday to everyone’s favorite yellow bad ass. Pac Man celebrates his 25th birthday as one of gaming’s most well known icons. Before plumbers, hedgehogs, innovative dual wielding cyborgs, there was the yellow mouth. Happy Birthday Mr. Pacman!
Source: [url=http://money.cnn.com/2005/05/10/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/index.htm]CNN Money[/url]
That’s right we are only a few weeks away from the release of the final chapter in the Star Wars saga. Its a known fact that the Snackbar crew are big time Star Wars fanboys. There was a time when Star Wars and Crap Games were pretty common. However since Knights of the Old Republic we have been treated to some great stuff. The Collective is working hard on Ep III video game, and I’m confident that game will rock.
Anyways, Pretz and I will be at AMC Huebner Oaks at noon to wait in line for the midnight opening. Join us there as I am going to bring an assortment of Star Wars stuff to keep us occupied.
– Darth Pic
[floatleft]http://www.snackbar-games.com/images/reviews/splintercellchaostheory/cover.jpg[/floatleft][heading]Continuation of Brilliance[/heading]
[i]Splinter Cell[/i] in its two previous incarnations brought innovation to the stealth genre, and just like that, Ubisoft had a winner of a series. The third installment, [i]Chaos Theory[/i], polishes the series and adds some very welcome elements to the best stealth series in gaming.
If you have played a previous [i]Splinter Cell[/i] game, you will be familiar with the ins and outs of [i]Chaos Theory[/i]. You once again play as Sam Fisher, and it is up to you to get behind a terrorist plot. You use stealth as your main ally. Your suit is equipped with light sensors and sound sensors to keep you quiet and hiddenA
I am gone for a week, and the industry blows up with rantable news. Gamestop ganks EB Games, Adobe ganks Macromedia, and someone ganked the right to use Arial for the back of our t-shirts. Arrrrgh.
Anyways Vegas was a blast, though by some oath I cannot elaborate upon the instances that took place, be it in all their innocence.
Now that I am back I have to get back to work, I have a few reviews I have sat on, and if I sit on them any longer Cone will have me offed.
I will be out for six days in the adult playland that is Las Vegas. You kids behave and dont give Cone any b.s.
ps: give Cone some b.s.