Spike TV is having their video game awards right now. I am very impressed with how the show looks and how it is presented. The gamers look cool, not lazy, not nerdy, but cool. I will update you after it is done with the winners so the debating can begin.
Oh yeah, its hosted by Snopp Dogg, that’s fucking cool.
Winners are in
GTA San Andreas – Game of the Year
Burnout 3 – Most Addicting Game
Madden 2004 – Best Sports Game
Fable – RPG of the Year
GTA San Andreas – Best Soundtrack
Halo 2 – Best Designers
Game Informer – Best Gaming Publication
Gamespot.com – Best Gaming Site
Call of Duty: Finest Hour – Best Military Game
Might and Magic – Best Wireless Game
Half Life 2 – Best PC Game
The Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB – Best Game Based on Movie
Samuel L Jackson in GTA, San Andreas – Best Performance
Mortal Kombat: Deceptions – Best Fighting Game
GTA San Andreas – Best Action Game
Half Life 2 – Best Graphics
Nintendo DS – Best New Technology
Metroid: Zero Mission – Best Handheld Game
City of Heroes – Best MMO
I have been checking gaming forums, and they are tearing this show to shreds, which I expected. However, I didn’t think it was that bad. I mean it’s for the masses. If your on this site you more then likely know the dealings of our industry, so you might not agree with a lot of the winners. As far as a show, not bad, not too bad at all.
Oh and I am prepared for any Motley Crue slams I receive, dammit, sometimes my love for hair bands is my downfall.
Making blanket statements is not a good practice. I do it usually with jest, though sometimes its warranted. But straight from the managers mouth, Game Rush seems to not like you. I suggest not ever stepping into one of their stores. The powers that be at Game Rush would like to mend things but it seems management would not like to happen. Instead, choosing to rub salt on a wound, well we tried something new (going to the Rush) and it that wont be happening again. Spread the word if you can.
I apologize to the good people that represent Game Rush, I am sure you have good intentions and that our experiences do not reflect the whole, but as a customer, and a community, The Rush wont be getting a recommendation. Sorry mates.
Also note, I would hate anything to come out of this, we have a forum to have a voice that can be heard, this is one of those times where a wrong has happened and something is done about it.
My god, Knights of the Old Republic II: Sith Lords is one of the best games I have ever played, already. This is my official vote for game of the year, so sad it is a late release. Also so sad for the votes that get shilled out to the trade bait that was Halo 2. So sad indeed.
*Because I just have to*
Don’t jerk with the Carton. Lest thou receive it’s wrath.
Well, Cone’s well deserved rant has been up there long enough to make a point. I have heard to many bad things about Game Rush to ever go there, but what is done is done, and my man has made his voice heard.
However, that cannot overshadow one game that I have been waiting on for a long time. Knights of the Old Republic: Sith Lords is now out and its everything I wanted and more. It plays exactly like the original, props to Obsidian for taking over the project. We now have what I have wanted in the original, a Weapons Finesse feat, for you DnDers/NWNers you know what I am talking about. I am about 4 hours into the game, and I love it, but then again major bias as I love most things Star Wars.
Game Rush sucks. Star Wars rules.