Err uh Battlefront II is coming out, which means Pretz, myself and some crew folk are gonna get some Xbox Live action going on. Dibs on all Jedi, all the time. If you are a Star Wars fan, this game promises to bring some fun multiplay action into the mix. The last one was fine, not great by any means but a good building point so I do expect a lot from part II.
Lets get it on!
Get em in, we record the next podcast/lifestyles this weekend! I also want to hear feedback on the lifestyles show we just put up also!
We nearing the end of the lifecyles for this generation, so I decided to revert a bit and play some games that have been collecting dust. It started with Morrowind, then the obvious character regret set it so I switched it up this weekend to Final Fantasy X. I forgot how great this game was. From all the cut scenes (which I know for you non FF folks can be annoying) to the fantastic moments that just make your heart melt. Ok I may be a bit to sentimental, but ask any FF fan and they will tell you the same thing. Everyone has a favorite moment, and making its own save right before that moment is what it is all about.
Wakka’s awesome thumbs up after his last tournament was my favorite of all time. Yuna’s water dance also has a special save slot. Damn this is great game making.
So Lactose over at asked me to do a Doom review. You know since I do all this great work for Snackbar GAMES. So I was a natural selection. Although its no secret I dont like writing reviews, but couple the fact that it was a FREE movie, and that I cash in on Lactose’s chewing gum on a daily basis, I felt I owed it to him. Check out the review for the movie on our bad to the bone sister site.
[url=]Doom the movie review[/url] over at our sister site
Thats right, another one of my favorite hobbies, paintball, is making its round trip back to video games. Last year’s Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball was a surprise hit, and hopefully it made more fans for the paintball. Well WXP is out with another version of the paintball game entitled Greg Hastings’ Tournament Paintball Max’d.
New additions to the game are a breakout manager and some new paintball guns (Angels included). I sure hope Smart Parts gets on board, I have yet to see any screens with their products in them. [url=]Read[/url] up on this bad boy.