Chris Ingersoll


After a couple years of dormancy, Race for the Galaxy has re-emerged with a new expansion, Alien Artifacts. However, unlike most expansions, Alien Artifacts is the beginning of a new arc for Race, incompatible with the previous add-ons. Games played with Alien Artifacts will be played with just it and the original base set, providing a fresh new take on these now-classic cards — and a smaller deck to shuffle, which is always nice. READ MORE


After much delay, Sentinels of the Multiverse: Vengeance has arrived to Kickstarter backers. Originally planned as a standalone expansion, it has since been re-branded as a “mega expansion” but could still be played on its own if you don’t mind the lack of HP tokens and possibly needing to download the core rulebook. More importantly, what Vengeance brings to the table is an entirely new way of playing Sentinels. READ MORE


Hunting is mostly a vicious cycle, a war of escalation between you and your eventual target. Every quest is another battle in that war, but heading into battle without a clear gameplan can make your life harder than it needs to be.

Let’s say that some Rathian armor has caught your attention. You’ve taken down a few of them, but you still don’t have all the parts you need to complete the set. Specifically, you need something called a Rathian Plate to finish the waist-piece. How the heck do you get one of those? Obviously from fighting Rathians, but is there something specific you need to be doing against them? READ MORE


The latest offering from Stonemaier Games, Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia, is one of those awkward games that is easier to play than it is to teach. While certainly not intentional, it does accidentally tie into the game’s dystopian theme of knowledge being dangerous and carefully controlled. In fact, despite the game’s solid mechanics, Euphoria‘s theme is probably its most defining and memorable feature. READ MORE


Hunting solo is a fool’s errand. Sure, early on you don’t have much of a choice, but those aren’t exactly the most dangerous quests either. Fortunately that you won’t be stuck by yourself for very long. Although given the quality of the help you do find, sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. READ MORE