In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
Grueling simulations of railroad operations and complex, thoughtful board games of the hardest kind and the always-challenging Civilization but also OutRun, Beatmania and half a dozen classic shooters, it seems my favorite games couldn’t be more any more different! My taste was so polarized I couldn’t be content with a middle ground; it always had to be one or another, and it was always painful to choose.
And that’s when I discovered Team Fortress. READ MORE

In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
Since the very first day I picked up an Atari joystick, video games have changed in just about every way imaginable. It’s for that reason that selecting an all-time favorite game is quite a daunting task. When I close my eyes and imagine for a moment that I am standing in front of a library of games that spans the entire history of this industry and I have to pick just one game, only one comes to mind: Super Mario Bros. 3. For many gamers that got their start when I did, this may seem like the obvious safe choice, and for some it is. For me, Super Mario Bros. 3 played such an integral role in my life as a gamer, that it’s the only choice that makes sense. READ MORE

In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
If you know anything about my gaming habits and tastes, you know that I love great stories and characters. I’ll play games that are sub-par in many other ways, as long as the people and world are worthwhile to me. I wasn’t always like that though. Flash back to 1997, and you’d find I had an entirely different idea of what I wanted from games and what I played.

In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
Chrono Trigger is that band you’ve known all your life. You went to all their concerts, knew them before they were popular, have read everything about them and desperately hope for a reunion tour. They’re not mainstream. They’re your favorite thing. READ MORE

In the My Favorite Game series, get to know us better as staff writers share the game they love most and why.
When I first laid eyes on an NBA Jam arcade machine, I was blown away. The announcer was screaming, the basketballs were on fire and my favorite NBA superstars were windmill dunking on each other. In addition to the TV-style presentation, the in-game player graphics transcended anything that had been seen in sports gaming. The faces of Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal were digitized and very recognizable. The watershed moment of experiencing this firsthand when I inserted my first quarter spawned my love for the game and series. READ MORE