Speculator: Gentlemen, start your next-gen engines

April 23, 2013


Will Microsoft have subscription plans for the next Xbox? And will we hear more about Gran Turismo 6 at E3? Also, a nice bonus: the instant embarrassment of an already-confirmed rumor!

Next Xbox to have a subscription purchase option at launch

One of the most persistent rumors about the next Xbox lately is the idea that Microsoft will sell it as consoles normally are sold and in a subscription plan right from launch. Much as Microsoft did with the Xbox 360 last year, it would cost less up-front to purchase the system, as long as you agreed to a mandatory subscription fee for a set period of time.

Based on how it’s handled the recent $99 Xbox 360 bundle (and its supposed success) and the consistent rumors about their idea to attempt a new, subscription-based model for the next system, I would believe Microsoft is willing to try it. And it could benefit them, at least in the short term, and help move some of the massive 360 install base to the next system.
Microsoft has done a subscription-plan for cheaper or free consoles for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360, so the fact that it is interested in one for the next Xbox wouldn’t surprise me at all. The fact that such a plan has been successful at increasing sales both times also doesn’t surprise me. Given that, launch seems like the perfect time to introduce a subscription-based discount purchase plan, since that’s the time when it’s the most expensive.
This was clearly a pilot program to test the model (see: DSiWare, the first XBLA, PSP go, etc.), and by all accounts it was successful. So yep, we’ll see this happen. I do think it’ll be an option and not a requirement, though.
I don’t doubt that Microsoft would do this. I’m not quite sure of the success it had doing this with the 360, but if it actually sold units doing this, I don’t see why Microsoft should stop. If it works, it works.

New Gran Turismo to be revealed for PlayStation 4 by E3

Polyphony Digital has been working on Gran Turismo 6 for 18 months, at which time it was called a PlayStation 3 title. Even as Sony revealed the PlayStation 4 in February, it insisted Gran Turismo 6 would stay on the PlayStation 3. Doubt is beginning to creep in that Sony would put such a flagship game on an older console when a new one is available.

With Driveclub coming out sometime around launch (or shortly thereafter), I don’t think we’ll hear about a new Gran Turismo game for a while. While I don’t think Driveclub will find the same success the Gran Turismo series has in the past, it could make the wait for the next GT game a lot easier for fans of that series while also appealing to a wider audience. I don’t doubt it would be a PS4 title, but I don’t think we’ll see it this year.
In my opinion, Gran Turismo 6 is definitely going to be a PlayStation 4 title. And if not for Driveclub already being announced, I would fully expect a GT6 announcement at E3. Of course, it still wouldn’t come out for another three years, but that’s never stopped Polyphony Digital from announcing things. So, it’ll be a PlayStation 4 title, but I don’t think we’ll hear that this year.
Not yet. Driveclub.
Yep. If there’s any game that would try to prove how good the graphics are with a Sony system, this would be the game to do it. Let’s just hope that, this time around, they don’t try selling us a glorified demo for $40 again.

New Metal Gear Solid collection to be revealed by E3

Recently, Kojima tweeted a picture featuring the five versions of Snake and said, mysteriously, that he was checking it out. Of course, many have read into this to mean that Konami is working on a new collection that will include Metal Gear Solid 1-4 plus Peace WalkerEditor’s note: This was confirmed after this week’s Speculator was written, but before it went live. We left it, because maybe that’s interesting?

Metal Gear Solid is one of those franchises that seems to always get people talking, and even with the fairly recent release of the MGS HD Collection, I could see Kojima/Konami wanting to put together an even more complete collection for those who want an easy way to jump into the series. Take the HD Collection, throw in MGS1 and 4 and you have something that would be a perfect way to lead up to the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V.
I think that this is fairly likely to happen, especially given the recent announcement of Metal Gear Solid V. Putting all of the main games into one package would enable those who’ve never played any, such as me, an easy method to get into the series and ready for the next entry. And really, what else could Kojima have been referencing?
Konami has done weirder things, but it’s really quite soon after the HD Collection. I mean, does bundling a MGS4 disc and a MGS download code in with an HD Collection disc (God of War Saga-style) count as a “new collection,” really? I guess technically. I don’t see anything more than that happening, but again, Konami has done weirder things.
Don’t really see this happening, at least for the 360 anyway. PS3? More likely. In one way or another, Konami has managed to bundle all these games together at some point and it would honestly seem too soon. The bigger issue being the size of Metal Gear Solid 4. Considering how large the game is for the PS3, it would just seem odd splitting the game up on multiple discs. An average 360 disc only holds about 7 gigabytes of data. You would have to split it up into an 8-disc game for it to work on the 360.

Current 2012-13 Season standings:


Starting this season, scores are centered on a zero point to account for occasional panelist changes.

New Metal Gear Solid collection to be revealed by E3 confirmed. Andrew 80%, Eric 35%, Graham 50%, Shawn 75%.
Koch Media to purchase Red Faction through THQ asset sale disproved. Andrew 55%, Eric 10%, Graham 70%, Shawn 60%.
Platinum Games to buy Darksiders through THQ asset sale disproved. Andrew 55%, Eric 45%, Graham 20%, Shawn 90%.