This time around we talk about Sorcery, being Alive and XSEED localizations.
Current standings:
![]() 800 |
![]() 378 |
![]() 888 |
![]() 560 |
Sorcery to release in 2012
When Sony first revealed the Move at E3 2010, Sorcery was one of the flagship titles for it that actually wowed observers and gamers alike. Since then though, it has been conspicuously absent from every Sony tradeshow and people are beginning to wonder if it was silently cancelled. However, we’ve heard a tidbit that it hasn’t been cancelled at all, and will instead be one of the big Move releases of 2012.
![]() 40% It seems Sony has all but given up on the Move. Sure, we saw a few titles this year that still supported it, but Move-exclusive titles are very few and far between. I wouldn’t be surprised if this title just gets canned because of the lack of support for Sony’s motion control in favor of supporting existing games/properties with the Move instead. |
![]() 65% I think if Sony is going to release Sorcery, they will need to do so in 2012. I’m surprised Sony has let it languish this long considering it was considered the title to get a Move for when it was first shown off at E3 2010. So, my vote is lowered due to the fact that I’m beginning to wonder whether Sony ever had any intent on finishing it or if it was in reality a simple tech demo. |
![]() 30% It’s starting to feel like Sorcery was the move’s Milo. With titles like Medieval Moves: Deadmund’s Quest, we’re getting mechanics and elements that were largely part of that original concept, though not as magical or impressive. I’m hopeful that we’ll finally get a showpiece for the Move that isn’t the (admittedly phenomenal) Sports Champions, but time keeps on slippin’. |
![]() 100% Sorcery‘s been a long time coming, so I doubt Sony will put this one off much longer. 2012 seems reasonable. |
I Am Alive to be released in 2012
I Am Alive was considered by many to be vaporware at this point, following a few years of being completely ignored publicly by Ubisoft. However, they recently announced that it would in fact see the light of day as a XBLA and PSN title. Not only that, but it was announced with a release date of ‘this winter.’ Rumor has it that ‘this winter’ means Q1 2012 though, not Q4 2011.
![]() 50% When I see “this winter” I think this December, but I suppose it wouldn’t be the first time a publisher changed that to mean January or February. So, it could go either way it seems, no real way to tell. |
![]() 20% This winter could mean anywhere from November to February, but I’m gonna go with my gut and say that it’ll come out sometime in 2011 still. |
![]() 85% Downloadables get totally buried in late November and December, so a surprise release then would be ill-advised. A late-January berth, on the other hand, is a nice place for those looking for something fresh after coming out of the post-holiday turkey coma. Of course, it could also get delayed again. |
![]() 80% Time seems to be running short for this year, so 2012 is likely. Unless your name is Nintendo, most companies tend to release information on their game before getting close to releasing it. |
Trails in the Sky Vita sequel to be localized by XSEED
Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky was finally localized on the PSP earlier this year, but its sequel was not given the same treatment. With an updated version being made for the Vita, rumor has it that XSEED may pick the Vita version up for localization.
![]() 80% Considering the PSP is basically on its last legs and the Vita will be out within the next few months, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this happen. I’m sure XSEED could still get money from publishing the PSP version here, although it would make more sense to just move onto the next big handheld. |
![]() 90% XSEED loves to localize RPGs that otherwise would have never seen these shores. I tend to believe that they will continue this trend on the Vita, so I’m gonna have to say that it’s extremely likely that we will see it at some point. |
![]() 60% XSEED’s kind of crazy. Don’t get me wrong, though: it’s a great kind of crazy. But as much of a risk as releasing a PSP game now is, I’m not sure a Vita game is that much safer. While I’m not one to believe the handheld market is failing, there’s still this sense that things are going downhill, and what’s more, system launches are always a bit slow. Would they benefit from a less-crowded market, or starve with a too-small player base? Remember: a digital release of the PSP version would be totally playable on the Vita as well. |
![]() 100% I’ll bite the bullet on this one and say yes. XSEED mentioned that they were in the process of working on the Trails sequel, but with the PSP market dead in the US, it seemed unlikely to actually get released. Whether they continue to earn their “bravest publisher in America” moniker or localize an updated version for the Vita, I’ve no doubt the game will eventually come stateside. |