BF Vietnam Champs!!

August 16, 2004

It is with great honor to announce that Team XG has won the iGames Battlefield Vietnam Tournament. Pickle, myself, Mr. Furious, Kron and other members of the XG Crew battled it out against other opposing lan centers across North America. The XG Crew took top honors, and in doing so receiving the main prize. An all new ATI X800 video card. The XG Crew, fought tooth and nail to be the #1 lan team across North America.

I want to give mad props to Kron and Mr. Furious for providing a kick ass lan center. Also, this would not be possible without the other members of the XG Crew. Burning Napalm, Aaron176, Mike410, Shoveler, ArmedandHammered and anyone else I might have left out. Great season guys!!