Call of Duty KICKS!!

November 12, 2003

Ok so I have been in a deep state of gaming these past few days. I have been engulfed with Call of Duty and MOH Breakthrough non-stop. I have finally made it to the Russian part of Call of Duty, and let me tell you its freaking intense. The game is beautifully made, with great graphics, sound, and storyline. The game is just wonderful so expect a review soon. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about MOH Breakthrough. Although, Breakthrough has gotten better in some aspects, it’s not in the same arena as Call of Duty.

It was unfortunate to hear the Halo 2 rumors to be false. I was one of many hoping and praying that it would have a surprise release for the holiday season. So again we must ride on this long journey to April for its release. Until then, I’m planning on getting MOH Rising Sun tommorrow, along with Crimson Skies. Speaking of Crimson Skies, we should have a guest columnist doing a review on Crimson Skies soon so watch out for that. Peace!